rences are illustrated by dala conceming the basie indicators Ihat are characteristic for the Polish aspect of both phenomena. The dala is laken from official slatislics published by EURO-STAT and Ihe Polish CSO.
Jerzy Sacala
Butterfly Effect - Be Carcful With the Computer
The article conlains a couple of interesting (according lo Ihe aulhor) examples of mistakes in numerical calculalions. Mislakes of this kind occur in simple calculalions even if Professional programs like Matlab or Excel are used. The author suggesl that it is necessary lo inform sludents aboul Ihis in order to convince them Ihal Mathemalics is a lot morę than Computer calculalions.
Application of Wald-Wolfowitz Test in the Credit Risk Management Process
In Ihe arlicle Ihe aulhor focuses on the issue of credit risk which appears in Ihe early slages of the life of loans. The aulhor analyzes Ihe defaulls incurred during the first two installments. In addition to the descriplion of the importance of risk contro! of early losses in the credit risk management process, the author presents a method of assessing this risk. He also presents a practical example of the use of the Wald-Wolfowitz test in the context of credit risk management process. This example shows the practical use of statistical tests in the process of the minimalization of the risks of early losses.
Katarzyna Sokołowska
Analysis of the Impact of Income and Socio-dcmographic Characteristics on Satisfaction with Life in Polish Society
This paper presents empirical research into the impact of income on individual life satisfaction. The influence of persona! income, the impact of the income of a reference group and the impact of the size of individual income on providing a prosperous life and income sufficient to meet the basie needs of individual well-being is examined. The work also includes a comparison of the results obtained with the results in article [Ferrer-i-Car-bonell, 2005], referring to the German people, and with those obtained in other articles