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An analysis of ESS 2004/5 data by researchers at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium reveals the contrasting patterns in different European countries:1
The six most religious countries in Europę each with morę than 80% of peopie who are active or non-active beiievers, are, in descending order: Turkey, Poland, Greece, Irełand, Portugal and Slovenia. Just 2% of Turks are non~betievers, whiie 88% of Poles are active believers.
The five most secular countries in Europę, each with morę than 50% of non-believers, are Estonia, Czech Repubłic, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands. Atmost three-quarters of Estonians are non-believers, while onły 15% of Swedes attend religious senrices
In countries where religious engagement ts high, it is iinked to people's demographic characteristics. Where it is Iow, this link is weaker, suggesting that individuaiism and secularism may themśehftes be retated.
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