(VaJge libłika Sun, written 1986 by V. Tamme)
"At the begmmngof that summer only the white butterflies were swarming-* Asta-y about World War ID and the people who $urvive. (The fest butterfły you see In spring predictsyour summer say the oM peopłe A white butterfły means sorrow, mourmng, death.) "The Summer of the white butterfly H over, tt‘s time for the winter of a thousand years. We enduredthe summer, we'H endure the winter while waitmg for the spring.”
(Jah, Muidugi, Kuid Ei, written 1996 by V. Tamme)
"Take an ezample from the fish - they are quiet when they don't have anythmg to say-' A story about
incomprehension -what is the truth, whatisalie? ”Seek the truth. What do you find? You dont find shit"
iTere Perestroika, written 1987 by V. Tamme)
‘The sky's cloudless, the sea's błue, everybody‘s breathing freeły agam Sickle and hammer aint beat mg nobody arrymore, now they symbdizejoyful work_” A song about the begmning ofgreat
transformat ions in the Soviet Union. K was hke a joke then, only later we coufcł see that Gorbachov madę the nght decision - destroyed the Soviet Union, thegaolof nations.
“Weil, what do you say-democracy isso big that wondenng about it w*l leave your mouth wide open.“
Ifinsteim Silmad, written 1995 by V. Tamme)
“Necrophilia is in rogue, all are worshippmg bones and cadavers-“ A true Story about E-nstems eye doctor. Henry Adams, who kept Einstein's eyes in a bank vault for *0 years and is now lookmg for a buyer. "limpidand deep eyes, buy them and you won't regret it'
| (Mu Yanatsa Oh Desertóor, written 1985 by V. Tamme)
I" 'The Germans came.
, then the Russians.
■ My grandfather I didnt go for either. \ He wasnt mterested in thełr dirty war-’ A story about a real hero m the war, a deserter, and the new generation j who'll leam from hś e*ample. “Youcan ) go to war, defend your country, and you can hope that the radiatłon will catch me in the / woods-'
(Kaed liles, Virumaa, written 1987 by V. Tamme)
"The cuckoo calls a hundred times predictingahurafred years of
misfortune-” A song about Yinjmaa, a provincein Estonia where the Soviet regvne plamed huge phosphorite mines (for the manufacture of fertiłizers etc) that would ravąge the ewronment. Al Estonians were against it - in those days thegreen nwement was a form of pohtieal freedom-fghtmg. *Why don't you tomrades produce morę shrt - we won’t need morę fertfliier then.'
(Kapid, written 1993 by V. Tamme)
“Repo men inform you that they have a missicn - to carry away the urmecessary stuff A story about (sełf* styled) repo men terror iiing a happy famify with increaswg yiołence. “Oh repo men, oh dont kicie me.’
lAnarhia, te«t written 7983 by T. Trubetsky, musie 1996 by V. Tamme) “Open up your mmd and body, there are no musts and oughts for you_’ A piece of poetry written by a leadtng Estonian anarchy theorist, wnter and .singer T3nu Trubetsky. 'Those who have the jurtsdictłon, shape ytw movements and get you down, will finally eat up ther mterdiction and tire ofitall"