»hat is §©Ib0 H* Here are sorne of the ways that scientists gather evicence abcut dimatar bot| past and pup^f*"
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Weather Stations Weather stations help us fi n d o ot the tempa rature aa ifnt surface of tftd Ea rfft> Weather stattons use specfąl therncmeters that tell us the temperaturo. They can be set up aImost anywhere on land. Weather stations also can tell us how fast thftiifftd is moving and how much rain falls on the ground duiSng a storni.
Weather Balloons Ąlrmost everyone ilikes hattotha - inciudidg scientfetsl Weather hateons are rejeased tc flpahhlgh up frtte the atrnosphere. ItJfy tfflfht-tpedai tnstfumwts; that send a II ktrtda of JhfcTrnatioo about the weather back to pecpie on' thegtound.
Ocean Buoys
Abuoy is an object that floats on water, and is often used to warn boats away Prom dangerous places in the ocean or on a river. But some buoys have special instruments on them. These buoys can tell us the temperaturę and other things about the conditions of the atmosphcre.
Weather Satellites
Humans send satellites into space to travel around the Earlh. The satellites send back information to SCWUtists on the ground. Some of the information fbsy ęive us is about the weather and the Earth's tempera
Ice Cores
Some ScientistS w ho want to fintf out morę ahouf • Klimate study ites for dttes. Notjiist any ice ~ thsy: ars studying the freflWłgiac|efs tiiat haye iSMh around for a v@ry tosg time. They cut piecessaf ice anitehkfor air buh&fei thft wepe trapped irt the ice hundreds or even thousands of years ago. The air iufetisa help them discover what the climate used H ii Earth. The eyidenee they uncover is
crealing a historical record of regional temperaturo® and greenhouse gas concentrations dating back 160,000 years.