Hist i Kult UK

Hist i Kult UK

109.    What are the implications of the saling that „there ain’t no black in the Union Jack”?

Britishness and whiteness are connected.'

110.    What, according to the authors of the report, is the major defiecy of the history sylahus as it is currently taught in British schools?

Britain’s past as an imperial power is either distorted or ignored.

111.    Where, according to Jack Straw, has the political Ieft in Britain failed?

British left lacks patriotism.

112.    Summarise the opinions on the issue of Britishness held by Gerald Howarth.

He is very critical on the report. It is, he believes, an insult to what he calls the „native British”.

113.    Summarise Lord Tebbifs views on How racial conflict is to be avoided.

In opposite to isolation, integration is the „key Word” to avoid racial conflicts.

114.    How, according to Lord Parekh, are ethnic minority groups too often perceived in Britain?

They are perceived only as „tenants” and not as „owners” in Britain.

f~i 1 'r Jut 115. What does economic success result in, according too Robin Cook?

, a It results in bigger demand for Labour than a birthrate that modern society can develop.

- -- r 116. How does Cook counter the nationalistic views of the Tory MP John Townend?

He decline the theory that immigrant are unsettling British society, because he think that It was always influence by Rother races. It is pityfull misreading of British history.

117.    What, according to Cook, are the benefis Britain enjoys as a multi-ethnic society?

The immigration gives Britain a cultural diversity and that is one of the reasons for Britain being one of the most succesfull contries in the world.

118.    What for Cook is the significance of chicken tikka masala becoming Britain’s most popular dish?

The popularity of chicken tikka masala reflects British ability to absorb and adept foreign influence.

119.    What is Claude Moraes’s opinion ofTory attitudes towards race relations in Britain ?

^M£P Claude Moraes thins that Torys attitude on immigration is anachronistic (out-of-date).

"T^O^Which sociai class became dominant in British iife and politics during the course of the 19th century? nCft The middle class.

121. How did Britain frequently defend its trading and commercia! interests in the !9ih century?

With its huge navy (so called „gunboat diplomacy”).

122.    What major deraogrphic change did Britain experience between 1815 and 1835?

People migrate from countryside to cities where industry was based.

123. Which pan of Britain was the centre of cotton industry during the industrial revolution?

It was Northwestern pan of Britain, especially Lancashire,

124. Most historians tend to argus that during the first two decades of the 19th century the British govemmem employed repressive measures against expressions of sociai discontent. What was the govemment afraid of?

They were afraid that French revolution will affect British society which could lead to Revolurion in Britain.

125.    What was the Whig position with regard to sociai change during the first half of the 19th century?

They wanted new reforms because they knew that It was the only way to avoid revolution.

126. V/hen was the ,.Great Reform Bill” passed?

It was passed in 1832.

127.    What were the supporters of the People’s Charter called?

They were called „Charters”.

128.    Who foimded the London Police Force in 1829?

It was founded by Robert Peel.

129.    What did Brit2in avoid in 1848?

It avoided the _storm of revolution”.

‘ l3Ó.Whateve5t mieaded to iliusuate Britain’s manufacturing and industrial might, took place in 1851? It was the .Greai Exhibition of the Industries of AU Nations” in Crystal Pałace, London.

131. V/hich fBeróosiy significant means of goods transport was rendered virtually obsolete in the second half of the 19ś century by the railways?

Tbose w=re ali kinds of sea and river transport.

132.    What was —eant by being „in service”.

It mszm śa: someone became a servant in private houses.

133. WTat did the Wlgs become eventually known as?

Tbey were fcaowa as „liberals”.

134.    Wha: wers the efrect of the electoral change which were introduced in 1867 and 1884?


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