Hist i Kult UK

Hist i Kult UK

He showed that humane treatment of industrial workers could actually increase their productivity.

158.    Who was the founded of the „Salvation Army”?

It was William Booth. He was originally a methodist. He first founded the „Christian Mission” in 1865 which change its name to „Salvation Army” in 1878.

159.    What did the artists of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and the members of the Arts and Crafts Movement have in common?

They lookea to the pre-industrial handcraft scenes and naturę was their inspiration.

160.    What major scientific work was published by Charles Darwin in 1859?

In 1857 he published the „Origin of Species”.

161. How did the major European powers rationalise and justify their colonial policies in the 19th century?

It was the idea ofracial and genetic superiority of European to all interior races. They argued that they are bringing Christianity to all native people.

162. Which party could be said to have founded the welfare State?

It was the „New Liberals Party”.

K>3tln which European war which lasted from 1853 to 1856 was Britain involved?

\J- ' ■    1 It was the Crimean War.

164.    When during the First World War was conscription introduced?

'    in 1916.

165.    What was the combined total of German, English and French casualties during the five-montn period beginning on Ist July 1916?

It was about 1.1 million.

166.    What was one of the main contributory factors in America’s decision to abandon its policy of neutrality in the First World War?

Germans have attacked American ships.

167.    What was the opinion of the economist John Maynard Keynes Concerning the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

The terms were not right. The Govemment was foolish to punish Germany.

168.    What was the Labour Party origin?

It Origin were held in the middle class trade union.

169.1n what year was the first Labour govemment formed?

In 1918.

170.In the early years folowing its emergence onto the political scene in Britain, the Labour Party was deeply influence by the writings of Marx and Engels. T/F False"

171. What happened to the Liberał Party After 1924?

It has almost disappeard.

172.    What kind of discrimination was experienced by women smdying at Oxford and Cambridge in the latter part of the 19th century?

They could not receive a degree at the end of studies.

173.    What was the name popularly given to women who, in the early Years of the 20th century, were involved in miiitant to win the vote in national elections?

They were called Suffragettes and their union was „WSPU - Women Social and Political Union”.

174.    What contribution did many women make to the war effort on the Home Front between 1914 and 1918? They took men's places in the factoires.

175.    When were women ofproperty overthe age of 30 finally allowed to vote in national elections?

In 1918.

176.    When did women gain equality with men regarding the voting age in national elections?

Itwas in 1928.

177. Give examp'.es of the way in which women’s live after the First World War.

Tfeey could wear Fighter clothing, sorter hair, smoke and drink openly.

178. Whai was me Easter Rising and when did it occur?

It was Irisc rcbełlion in 1916 in Dublin.

179.    Wha happened ta the ieaders of the Easter Rising?

They w ere scscured.

180. Whax was the result of the elections in Ireland in 1918?

The Repdriksts won the elections.

181. Wfea was the izunediate result of the partition of Ireland in 1921 into the IrishFree State and Northern



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