Civil war between the Irish.
182.\Vhen did the General Strike occur and ho w long did it last? Could it be said to be suprising that Britain avoided a poiitical crisis in the 1920s?
Yes, it was suprising. The General Stike lasted for 9 days.
' 183. In the context ofthe Second World War, what term is used to denote Germany and their allies?
They were called the Axis (axis powers).
184. Which two opposing aliances were formed in 1949 and 1955 respectively?
It was the NATO which was formed by the Western powers, and the ”W'arsaw Pact” formed by the Sowiet Union 2nd its allies.
185. What poiitical debacie did Britain suffer in 1956, which further emphasised its decline as a world power?
It was the Suez War.
186. What was provided Under the terms of the Education Act of 1944?
Free secondary Education for everyone was provided.
187. Which poiitical party in its administration of 1945 to 1951 Consolidated the social reforras of the liberał govemment of 1905 to 1915 and can thus-claim to have founded the modem welfare State?
It was the Labour party. They founded NHS (National Health Service) in 1946.
188. Why was the policy of nationalisation a failure?
There was no Rea! sense of commitment to this.
189. As far as social policy, and, in particular, the maintenance of the welfare State, are concemed, were the two major poiiticai partie in General agrement fot the three decades after the Second World War?
Yes. they were.
190. What was Marshall Aid? (also known as the Marshall Plan).
It was European Recovery Plan.
191. What was the pejorative term that some conservative elements in society used to refer to the changing attitudes towards sexuall moralisty, marriage and authority that in particular characterised the bahaviour. of young people in the 1960s?
It was the Permissive Society,
192. Which Britisn king abdicated in 1936 and why?
It was King Edward VII. His abdication was caused because of his love to a divorced woman which was unacceptable for the rest of the royal family.
193. When did India finally gain indenpendence and East and West Pakistan come into being?
It was in 1947.
194. What is the Commonwealth of Nations?
Britain tried to hołd onto its position through its Commonwealth so old colonies were invited as an eaual members.
195. Against which country and over what territory did Britain go to war in 1982?
It was ought against Argentina for the Fa!klands/Malvinas.
196. When was the European Union (formerly known as the European Common Market and the European Economic Community) founded? Why did Britain not become one of the founded members?
It was formed in 1957. Britain was unwilling to surrender any of its own sovergnity.
197. When did Brit2in finally join the European Community?
In 1973.
198. With which country did Britain develop a so-called „special relationship” in the 20th century?
It was deveioped with the United States.
199. When did the "Troubles” in Northern Ireland begin?
In 1969.
200. What is Plaid Cymru?
The Wełsh Natkmalist Party.
201. What was the result of the Wełsh Revolution referendum of March lst 1979?
Tbe offer of seif-govemment wad tumed down.
202. Why was Scodaod not grantem limited self-government in 1979?
Because csuy 54:'ó of Scots voted and it was not a big enough majority.
203. After me referendum of 1979, which poiitical party did most people in Wales and Scotland continua to supporr?
The Laboor Party.
204. FoDowing me Second World War, which part of the world did the first immigrants to Britain came
Tbey came frcsn West Indies.