Give an inch
Who can resist these charmrng, hand-crocheted flower tape measures from lantern Moon? Availabłe in sunny red. biue or yellow. each contains a S-foot-long tape and is created through the Womens Work Coopcrative in Viet Mam. a program that helps women hnd employment. thus givng them sustained prosperity ard the means to establish morę stable communities for therr famłies and neighbors.
If you ve been hesltan: to begln an embro«dery profect, Sublime Stitchings Ultimate Embrordery Kit contains all thats necessary to tako the fear and guesswork out of the ecjuation Get started with easy-to-undorstand instructions. quolity tools (mcludmg hoop. needle. and scissors) and the added bonus of budding your own custom kit onlme. Simpły choose a textile, pack of patterns (with over SO themes to pick from) and a seven-cołor floss palette and start stitching—no morę excuses!
6 Anno Summcr 2009