that you work in a morę "easy", relaxed manner and will enjoy the give and take of Judo play even when you are on the "wrong" end of a throw!
In the throws, you will notę that the Instruction in-dicates Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc. This will help you to understand the action of the throw. You may actually hesitate between steps the first few times. After you under stand what makes the throw work, you must proceed to blend the steps so that there is no hesitation. Eventually, you will be able to execute the throws swiftly and with snap. It is best not to rush to attain speed in the throws. If you can perform the throw properly in a good technical manner, speed will come easily as you practice.
In some of the throws (for instance, Sweeping Loin) the throw is much morę difficult to perform inslow motion than when you have the impetus of both bodies moving to assist you. Even so, if you can do such throws in slow motion you will eventually achieve a greater degree of expertness.
Many of the throws can be practiced with a begin-ning partner who cannot receive! Notę that there are throws in which the essential action involving the greatest skill is that part leading up to the actual throw. If, for example, you can easily and gracefully take your partner to Step 3 of the Hip Throw (page60)you will be able to finish the throw without difficulty. You will find this sort of practice very valuable and practical. If you find your-self in a situation where you do not have a partner who can Receive, both of you should practice first steps of all the techniąues in preparation for conti-nuing the work under morę suitable conditions.
I caution you again - do not throw anyone who has not been trained in the falling techniąues and do not allow yourself to be thrown until you know the falls for safety!