Supervision for social work in European Union- Gurrent trends and the educational process

Jose Reisjorge, Marco Ferreira...................................110



Are we creating the Polish school of supervision for social work?

Dobroniega Trawkowska........................................125

Supervision for social work in the institutions of social assistance and integration. The institutions managers research

Andrew Niesporek.............................................145

Supervision for social workers assessment

Arkadiusz Karwacki...........................................157

The supervision experience of social work as the example of Social Welfare Centre in Katowice

Maciej Sosnowski.............................................179

Supervisory experience based on activity Center of Local Activity Support (CAL)

Monika Makowiecka...........................................195

Good supervisory practices used in Poland

Dorota Jaworska-Matys.........................................200



Supervision in different areas of social work

Aurelia Wioch................................................255

Supervisory management

Michał Szyszka...............................................277

The implementation of supervisory process

Barbara Bąbska, Magdalena Poplońska-Kowalska......................295

What and why these people play? Games in supervision from dramaturgical perspective

Dobroniega Trawkowska........................................313

Supervisory contract

Barbara Babska..............................................322

Standards for supervision of social work and its characteristics - a project team proposal from Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw in cooperation with CAL

Mirosław Grewiński, Dorota Jaworska-Matys, Bohdan Skrzypczak.........331


Mirosław Grewiński, Bohdan Skrzypczak



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