Morę than 700 Officers and men of Anders ' army have been aentenced to life or ten to fifteen yeara' imprisonment by meana of fala© evidence and caaea trumped up by the Polish pro-fascista• Hundreds of team-leaders, f'remen and workera who worked honestly in th©
USSR and were loyal in their attitude towards th© Soviet Union, alao many officera and men who proteated againat the anti-Soviot slandera apread by Anders and h4i agenta, ha be been thrown into Jail in Palestine.
Among those arrested and tortured ar© Colonel of th© Poliah Army Evstafy Uorczinaki, Lieut. Colonel Leon Tyazinaki, Lieut.Colon©l Kazirair Budziński who was in command of a regiment in 1941 *hen th© Polish Army was formed in the USSR, Captain Roman Imach, Lieut • Janusz Sewerski, Lieut. Melniker, Lieut. Wilk, Lieut. Tomali, Lieut. Szumigalski, Jr.Lieut. Sziperaki, and many othera*
Through all the barriers set up the Polish authoritiea, from the jails and concentratlona camps the appeals of the Polish patriota are heared, branding these atrocities and inhuman iniąuitioa of the Polish Fascist clique which calls itself the Command of th© Polish Army. /S0VI2T MONITOR/.
No. 4116 - March 22nd, 1944-
MOSCCftY, March 22nd, 1944. There Wer© over 13*000 inhabitanta in Dubno befor© the ‘erman occupation. Today there are only a few hundred left / says a Moacow radio front-linę correapondent^/
0ver 12*000 people were shot in Dubno during the two yeara of th© occupation. Soveral thous-rtf were dr.'ven off to forced labour in Ge rmany•
Toward the ©nd og their occupation the 'Bermana took all the ' remaining living population, old people , women and childrerąp and drove thsm away under guard along th© Lvov road*
The few people who managed to hide from the ^ermans are already taking part in the restoration of their native tairn.
MOS CCW, Mar. 32rd, 1944. Andreyev, Ieopls 'a Commissar for Agricultur© of the USSR, has aaked the ioei le 's Commissarlats for Agricultur© of the vaitous ^publics as well as the Territorial and Regional Land Departments to rerder assistance to the trade union organisation in extending sown areas in collective and individual allotm©nts, States Moacow radio.