Crochet symbols
and pal reps with symboli fo* wch typeof st \p*.e(bUfK).sem soł<d błock (-) and błock (X). Mec to chart B to see Iow the flet par is fcamed with row* of sp»ces ard Woda altom! ng with rwa of vemi-soŁd Wodo and spaces ¥ou wll also be referring to chart B for shapmg (mc and d«)Chart B wrf alsobeusedUter ■or the outer edgrsg. Th? sts on char B (eidtdng the out er edgnj) are repre-sented In grey on dwrt A BASIC MOW-TOS
Tum aft er completirg each rew To beg a row withoot shapasg \vort as lott for space. ch 7 [counts as I u and ch 3). then tr »s ne*t tt; ter a błoci ch 4 (counts as 1 tr) work 3 tr in fint ch-3 sp, tr ai ne*t tr To and a row without shapasg tr n Sth ch of beg ch 7of rowtdw. Work hic as folk To mc a błock at beg of row(refer to row 3 on chart B]. ch 8 (ccunts as 1 tr and ch 3). trm 6th ch from hook and m nwt 2 ch tr m neit tr To inc a tamt-solid błock with footed tr at and of row (refer to row 4 on char B) work as foŁ Ot 1. yo 3 tanes. assert hook n same place as last tr. )o and draw up a lp. yo and dnar throu^t I Ip on hook (foot madr) then (yo. draw rhrough 2 Ips on hook] 4 nmes. ch I. work a 2nd footed ;r by rsertlng hook mlo (ool of Ust footed tr Work dac as foli To dec a wmr-totid błock or błock at baj of row. sl st in each st (and/or ch| to next tr. sł st ai tr thcnch 4 To dec a seim-solid błock or błock at end of row. Ieave Ust błock unworked FILTTLACE
With natura!, ch 40 Row1(RS)'r inl2thch from hook (counts as Itr. ch 3 and skip«snext4ch.'ch3.trnnert S ch; rep from *tw»ce morę Tum RowICh7 (countsasłtrandch33skpfrst4tr *tr nnert tr. inrseat ch-3 sp, chi trat ne*t tr ch 3. skip nwt 3 tr; rep from * twwe rnorr. end tr In lafl tr. ch 1 tr m Ust ch-3 sp. ch Ul tiBUichof beg ch-R. Tum Cart asfołl *Rep bet artows a and b 9 taney werk co mer from arrow b to top Fast co off Tum wor k so WS rs facirg then on tfre-d with sl st * arrow d. Ch 7 (couits as 1 tr and ch 3) wockaig first row alongsideedgcof sts and chs. work as shown Iwnrsg Ust squa«e unworked Cont to work to arna* c: rep from* 3timrsrnorr fastenoff. Sewsdeedgestog OUTER EDG RUG
Work accordmg to chart B. fot grey symbots With RS facrg and green. jon thread w4h sl st wfiere mdcateC by arrow a. Cont lo work as down aiousd. endng at arrow b. pn md with sl st in f rst sc. Fasten off.
Work accordmg to cłwt C fołl yey symbołs and synools fer piccts With RS facng and rsatrnł. pn thread w*h sl st 2 rows bdore any mer comet Cont to work md I. .on md with sl st n top cf beg ch i Faslen off Wth RS fecing and ggwn pn thread with d st n top of pnrg of md ł. Cont to work md 2. pn md w*h sl« n top of fceg ch-l Fasten off. Stwmpress Uce border. m*r\g si#e that piece a srjuare L£ AVES AND STEMS (makr 40)
Work accordmg to chart D. large btaoc dot ndkates •'ast ch and ar rows inckate daecticn of wori With green. ch 13 ftnd 1 (RS) st es ind ch kom hook, cont to foli chart to end of md. pn md with sl st m beg si st. Fasten off CHERRŁS (make 40 oaks)
Work according to c hart t. Włth red. ch 4 Row 1 (RS) Work 2 sc n W ch f som hooi sc n next ch wodt 2 sc n Ust ch-5 sc Tum. Beg w«h row 2. cont to fol chart throtgh row R Tum tosute edge Rnd 1 (RS) Ch 1 (rtfcated by grey dot) werking n front lo
kum a smooth edge. sl sl farly agfrtfy around entke edge (ths md not sfown on chart) pin md w*h sl st in fint sl st piec* wiH cup s&ghriy which ml add dmenucn fasten off
•sch ^ *slst i»sc
<*\ = ds-lp. ch the nurrber of sts sfown I f ? t =(frorrlefttoright)hdc.dc.edc(e»tendeddc).tr ł } work m direction of arrow; ti aiound ch V V V = in spetified st work (from left to rightl 2 sc; 2 dc; 2 U a A * in speeded sl. work (from left to nght). sc2tog; dc2łog J > footed tr (set basie how-tos at left for filet lace bordo)
0 • ch 4. yo.msert hook m4thch from hook yo anddraw upa Ip.
(yo and draw through 2 Ips on hook] twice .—. . - thn Ime shows direction of work ▲ picot c h 3. sc In 3rd ch from hook V_/
kuwng a tf/Tkm tal Wlwt ntallor WSof wwi then ust same tali K> tac* slem to center top d cherry Mtoe 1 morę red cherry and tadc crto second stem Make li mcit pan n red H pan* n dark red. and 13 pan ń red and dark ret CUTTING TABŁECLOTH
Crefully measut ns*Je edge dimensions cf f4et Uce »der. dmensnns Wuid be seyare Add T/15cm to both lergth and writh Gi ai Iner to manunrmts. Zięug stith do»to«d^allarcindtopreverrfriyng lur euch edge to wrorg udc and press
Tum plwtocopies or tratngs ckrse lo cherry inot# (set center paltem nsert. side B) Arrange on tabletbth about 3T/7.5cm from edge all around and etcnly spaced. as shown in photo. Use 2 *o 3 pms to secure each. Usng the photocopies wJI help you space ttw stencib propierły.
Use marker lo copy entve actual-sue stenci notif onto smoeth sde of each sterol blank. Use craft knfe to cut out iearts and siems from one stenc 4 and chemts from the cctser Spray back cf stencil with sterol adhesnt and let dry (adresu* will be tacky but wll not Ukfit a tesidue un Ubu.)
On sepaoie poper pljtes apply about 3'7'/15crrvdómrter dop of parrt cola. Using sepacte popscle shdcs. thotpgffy mu wchcoir wth toctile medum tcAcwrsg UbH drcctens STENCIUNG TECHNIQUE
Ligftły <Sp a stenci brv£h rntc green part. gettng tips d fcristłes barely moistened Hołd btush vettcall> and swork bnstłes n a orcular moren on a srack of 6 paper towefs to dńtribule painl and alłow brush to become arrost dry (Uve one trusfi and one stack cr paper towels for each co ter) Press leaves ard stems stencil on saap fabr«. Mokf bnnn yertically and lightły work bristłes ovcr stencil edge and onto fab nc na circuUr motion. Contmue to work kracircUar notion irtil you hawt deseed cobr depth and shadkrg. Remcrve stencil let dry. Place cherry stencf orer stenciled Iftwes/stems muchngoutlnes RepMt sienciling t«hrwy*> using either red or burgundy pamts. Cherry stencil is used for both red and burgundy pamts STENCIUNG TABLECLOTH
Wcrt from comrr to ccmer. corrpletng each stencJ motf before proceedng to nett Foutson leaf stencJ ose pnned photo cepy. Remore pass and pfsoto copy Stert J leares ató stems. let dry Thtr stencł chemes. soryng cherry cołors as slown Slencł etfrt motfs ki br^it red. one motif as burgundy and sm as both br^sl red and burgundy Let <ky {wtmght Haat set followrg tejlde mednois Ubel ebeetkrn FINISHING TABLECIOTH
Pm asner edge of Uce border to Imen. hawng the edge of border owerUp edge of linen 34*/bnm. Topstitch border ai place along green arser edgaij Refermg lo photo for suggested cola placement use matchasg sewng threads to sew on leaues and cherrres to center of scaHoped sections as shown
58 flłSnO Suranet 2009