knit symbols
k. - silkwise.knext st. psso
n = s.11 kwh*. Utog. psso
GREEN TOTE WITH FELTED ROSĘ Some easy knitting and a tum or two m the waslłer and dryet a fełled rosę.
Skill levef Easy
f INISHED MEASUREMENTS Ros* rnwuirn afcout ih' (9cm)
• Wortfed-wetght yarn; KWI wook ll*o//S0g In red and grass green: lUoz/50g • Site 11 (8mm) kmttlng needtes • One approx. UM'«8tfi4V J2xi2ilOcn light green wosen tote ba;
With red. cisi on 10 sb. Row 1 (RS) Krut Row 2 and all WS rows Purl Row I *K1. Ml (se* dlusrrat ion abore) repfrom*.erdkl-19sts Row S Rep row 3—57 sts
Row 7 Rep row T—71 sts Rmd off all sts loo<eły pwise Cut yam teavmg an fT/205cm tad.
LEAVES [make 2)
With grass grwn. cast on 5 stv Work row 1 ihrougi r of chart above (Owt show RS row ordy Knit all RS rowandpurlalWSrows)
Git a IO'/2S.Scm len;tri of red. LKing rapest-y needle. vew runnmg sts aiong cast-on edge of rosę Pul I yam to gather n edge Roli the cast-on edge nto a cod fcrming row of petals use runnng st yarn to sMch and secire coli at base ;asten off yarn and weave in end Use taił from t^ndoff to tark side edge of rosę m place Weare in all remam-mg ends beforefeltmg
Fetting Place rosę and leaves n a mgerie fcag. then place in washing -nacnne set lo hot wish/cold rinse with Iow water level. Aho acd a par of jears or a couple of ołd toweU for abraucn and balaxed agitation. Aftcr washng, chect we of rosę Repeat the cycle. i necessary. until rosę is felted to desired fmrshed meawremen: Hano Wock pieces to shipe and measuemenu Let air dry Usmg sewmg needle and matchmg thread. sew a Ime of ndiyidual beads betwecn rosę petaH. Refcrrmg to photo for sug gested arrangement. sew rosę and lea»es to tote bag
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