Orenburg lace triangle opis1

Orenburg lace triangle opis1

place this stbackonto left needle,

Row 7: SI 1 pwise, k2, yo, kl, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, k2tog, kl, yo, k2tog) kl and place this stbackon left needle, do not work last st

Row 9: SI 1 pwise, k3, yo, k2tog, kl, yo, k3tog, yo, kl, k2tog, yo, k2, k.1 and place this stback on left needle, do not work last st

Rows 10, 12, and 14: Knit to last 2 sts, k2 tog,

Row 11:311 pwise, k3, yo, k2tog> k3, k2tog, yo, k4, knit last st tog with 2 sts frombody of shawl (k3tog) and place this st back on left needle,

Row 13: sl 1 pwise, k3, yo, k2tog, kl, k2tog, yo, k4, kl and place this stback on left needle, do not work last st,

Row 15: Sl 1 pwise, k3, yo, k3tog, yo, k5, kl andpla.ee this stbackon left needle, do not work last st,

Row 16: Knit to last 2 sts, k2tog—13 border sts,


Cont working rem sts according to Border chart as establisheduntila totalof 35 morę teeth havebeen worked—there will be 280 loops on back side of teeth. Place last 13 sts of the 35th tooth on a holder, Do notbreakyarn, Join Angled Border to Shawl Body: Begatbottom of shawl body, pick up a 11 216 loops onto one needle, with second needle, pick up 280 loops from border strip, Graft as shown on page 50, working every 3rd loop of the 216-loop strip with the 3rd and4th loops of the 280-loop strip (this cor-rects the 64-loop differencebetween the two pieces)—1 st rem. Place this st on a holder. Transfer held 13 border sts (from 35th tooth) to right needle, Using short-rows as for the first two corners, work through Row 7 ofborder patt (i,e,, work half a tooth)—17 sts on the right needle, yarn at inside of half corner, Pick up 12 original CO sts with other needle from outside ofbottom border plus the 1 rem st left from grafting—13 sts total, Knit these 13 sts using the short-row method as with the first and second corners and first half of third corner, Work through Row 7 of border patt—17 sts, There will be 17 sts on each needle with the points of needles facing each other,


Graft rem sts as shown on page 50, Cut a short piece of yarn and tie a knot through the rem loop after grafting to prevent raveling, Weave in loose ends. Błock as foli: Beg at one corner, thread a thick nylon cord (the sts will stick on cotton, wool, or silk cord) loosely from back to front through each tooth point, Tie the ends of the cord together. Thoroughly wet piece andsqueeze outexcess moisture, Using T-pins on a fiat surface, pin the three points of the triangle to give the shawl its basie shape and size, Connect the corner T-pins with a sępa ratę length of cord to mark finał dimensions. Puli the cordbetween each tooth out to this outer cord and anchor with T-pins, Always pin into the loops formędby the cord, not into the shawl, A di ust the pins and cord as necessary until the shawl is stretched taut,

Galina Khmeleva is co-author of Gossamer Webs: The History and Technigues of Oren-berg Lace Shawis (lnterweave, 1998) and co-owner of Skaska Designs. For Information about her upcommg lace workshops, visit www.skaska.com.

Project Photos: Chris Hartlove

52 Accessories 2009 ♦ INTERWEAYE KNITS ♦ interweaveknits.com


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