Knit and Pnrl
1 Insert the right needle into the first stitch of the left needle, going from front to back.
2 Pass tho yarn under and up the front of the right needle. Draw it through the stitch with the right needle.
3 Drop the stitch from the left needle. The stitch on the right needle is a knit stitch.
needle into the first stitch on the
left needle, going from back to front.
2 Pass the yarn over, down the back, and under the right nee dle. Draw it through the stitch to the back.
needle is a purl stitch.
W hen knitting piece* in stockin-ette stitch. sonie stitches at the sides. dirertly next to the sel-vedge stitches, look ver\ liglit. and those in the* row above Ulem look very loose. This problem is gcneralh ewn morę pronounced on the left *ide The c-.tuse for this lies in the precious row! Wlien insert i ng the needle into the stitch. the yarn of the preciou* m\v is generally pulletl up a little too much. and then the nexi stitch is madę lliis way. a little bit ol extra yarn is pushed along to the next stitch almosi imistbiy. at e\ery stitch. This is not so olwious w ithin the row lnu at the ciul of the row— the excess yarn spreads out over the last few stitches luTorc the sehedge stitch.
Thesc unattractive edges can lx* prewni-
ed with a little bit of practice: In cvcrv row, you have to puli the first >—ł stitches after the sehedge stitch tightly, and knit the last 3-f stitches morę looscły.