Ribs arc the result of alternating columns of knit and purl stitches. The knit columns stand out at the front and the purl columns sink to the back. When you lay a piece of ribbing fiat, you will only see the knit columns as they puli together and cover the purl columns. This means that ribbing is very elastic; you can puli it out horizontally and it will spring back. When used at the waist, neck and wrists of garments, the ribs will expand when you put it on and then spring back to fit snugly.
The number of stitches in a rib fabric can be even, for example knit 1, purl 1 (, knit 2, purl 2 (k2. p2), knit 3, purl 3 (k3, p3) or it can be uneven, for example knit 2, purl 3 (k2, p3), knit 2, purl 4 (k2, p4). Work a fcw samples of rib in different combinations to sec the elastic effect of ribbing.
Ribs are usually worked on needles two sizes smaller than those used for stockinette (stocking) stitch. because the action of moving the yam baekwards and forwards between the knit and purl stitches can loosen the work. Try and keep a regular tension when working a rib pattem.
Cast on an odd number of stitches.
1 With the yam at the back of the work. knit the first stitch.
2 Bnng the yam to the front of the work between the needles and purl the next stitch.
3 Take the yam to the back of the work. and knit the next stitch.
To continue...
Repeat steps 2 and 3 to the end of the row. On the return row knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches.
Double rib (k2, p2) is worked the same. but cast on a multiple of four stitches plus two stitches and knit or purl two stitches each time.
the result:
When using ribs for garments. it is usual to start and fimsh each row with the same stitch so the rib looks balanced when the garment is sewn up. So for a knit I. purl I rib you would cast on an odd number of stitches. and for a knit 2. purl 2 rib you would need to cast on a multiple of four stitches plus two stitches.
This snug winter scarf uses six difTcrcnt ribs. li will grow quickly and givc you lots of practisc in ribbing
Ribbed scarf is knitted m a bulky (chunky) yam usmg sjze I0l4(6.5mm/UK3) needles. Finished size is 6m (15cm) wtde by 64 m (162cm) long. See page 135 for pattern.