This edgmg i$ afways worked first or as a separate border and sewn on.
Cast on four times the fmished number of strtches required.
Row I • K2. lift first of thcse 2 sts over second and off the needle: rep from • to end. (Half the number of sts remam.) Row 2 • P2tog; rep from • to end. (Fmished number of sts.)
Cont m mam fabnc of garment or cast off.
You will need three needles. Work a fnlled edgmg as abo/c followed by 8 rows of st st (endmg wrth a WS row). Ieave sts on the needle. On another needte. work a second fnB followed by 2 rows of st st (endmg wrth a WS row). Place the two needles together wrth the short fnll over the longer fnll and both nght s*des facmg the front, jom together by knrttmg through both sets of sts (see page 25).
pomts of cqual sizc
two sizc* of point*, one incrcascd to 18 sts and the other to 12 sts
Each pomt is worked separateły. the strtches left on a spare needle and then fomed together at the top by workmg across aJI strtches. They can be any size and different sizes worked altemately make for a wave effect. Work m moss strtch or a strtch pattem mstead of garter strtch. Sew beads or tassełs on to the pomts. Cast on 2 sts.
Row I K2.
Row 2 Yo. k2.
Row 3 Yo. k3.
Row 4 Yo. k4.
Cont in this way until the requmed even number of sts is neached. havmg worked an even number of mes. Cut yam and push the sts to the end of the needle. Cast on 2 sts on to the other needle and work another point Contmue m this way until there are the required number of pomts. Do not cut the yam after the last pomt use it to knit across all the pomts. Erther work a few rows of garter strtch and cast off or contmue mto the mam fabnc.
Work as a separate border and sew on to mam piece or p»ck up and knit strtches from edgmg for mam fabnc. Add 2 sts and 2 plam rows morę for a six strtch cable version.
Cast on 8 sts.
Row I (RS) P3.k4.pl.
Row 2 KI. p4. k3.
Row 3 P3.C4F.pl.
Row 4 KI. p4. k3.
Rep these 4 rows until edgmg is recjutred length.