The Knitters Bible8

The Knitters Bible8


This library of ovcr 100 clifTcrcnt stitchcs is prcscntcd in scvcn scctions. Tlić first section shows ihc grcat varicty of fabrics that can bc macic simply by working knit and purl stitchcs (pagcs 89-96), bcginning with moss stitch and including baskctwcavc and chcck pattcms, and on to stars and hcarts. Ncxt is a sclcction of traditional ganscy or gucmscy stitchcs (pagcs 97-100), which combinc in pancls to producc thc famous fishermen’s swcatcrs of thc British Islcs. Texturc stitchcs follow (pagcs 101-5) to make your knitting thrcc dimcnsional. Tlić section on rib stitchcs (pagcs 106-7) presents lace ribs as well as ribs suitablc for aran swcatcrs and brioche stitch which produces a thick, cosy fabric. A widc varicty of cablcs is ncxt (pagcs 108-16), ranging from simple four stitch cablcs to thc morc elaborate ccltic cablc and twisting vinc cablcs.

The ncxt section of lace stitchcs (pagcs 117-24) indudes traditional stitchcs uscd in Shctland shawls likc Horscshoc lace and Crest of thc Wavc, as well as openwork lcavcs and dianionds. The finał section is a sclcction of edgings (pagcs 125-7) from smali dclicatc trims through to thc wider and morc open Cobweb frill, all of which can add a spccial finish to your knitting. Many of thcsc stitchcs havc bccn uscd in thc projccts but you can substitutc others when you gain in cxpericnce.

Combinc a varicty of stitchcs from thc stitch library to crcalc a samplcr cushion covcr.

The patchwork cushion is krotted in worsted (DK) wcight cotton yam on sizc 6 (*tmmflJK8) nccdlcs. Sec page ISO for pattem.



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