82328 The Knitters Bible4

82328 The Knitters Bible4


Knitted in stockincttc (stocking) stitch, this swcatcr has st|uarc set in slccvcs and a funnel neck. Bccausc theres no neck shaping, a cablc panel can casily be added to the front (sec left). The instructions arc for a plain swcatcr with suggestions on whcrc to altcr the length of the sleevcs and body (scc page 72). Scparatc instructions arc given for the cablc panel swcatcr (scc page 73). Sizes arc givcn for women, men and childrcn.

I To fit bust/chest mcasurement 32/34[36/38:40/42:44/46]in (81.5/86.5(91.5/96.5:101.5/106.5:112/117]cm

you will need


Fisherman (aran) weight merino wool yam (85yd/78m per bali):

15[ 16:17:18] x 13/4oz/50g balls in colour denim blue


Size 6 (4mm/UK8) needles Size 8 (5mm/UK6) needles

Gaugc (Tension)

18 sts and 24 rows to 4m (lOcm) measured over stockmette (stocking) stitch on size 8 (5mm/UK6) needles

Adults swcatcr

size diagram measurcmcnts

A 20 (22.24:26)n (SI (5661 66J<m B 3m (7.5cm)

C 23^(24^:25^:26>n (595 (6?6566)<m) D TAtn (6cm)

E Im (2 Scm)

F 9 (101014:1 l}n (23 (255265 28}cm)

G 1314 (13)4 14 I4)n (345 (345:3S5:355)cm) H 814 (9.9)4: IO)m (21.5 (23 24:25.5)cm)

I 5J/< (6!4:7% 8Jm (14.5 (165:18.5:20 5}cm)

J 18 (2021:22)o (46 (51:5456)<m)

K 19 (21^23:24)0 (485 (54 5 58 5:61 Jem)

L 11V* (12)4:13l4:l4)4)n (30 (32345:37}cm)



Using size 6 (Imm/UKH) needles. cast on 91(99:109:117) sls.

Row I (RS) KI. * pi. kl: rep from * lo end. Row 2 PI. * kl. pl: rep front * lo end.

Rep these 2 rows umil rib nteasures 3in (7.5cm). ending with a WS row.

Change lo size 8 (5mm/UKG) needles and work in sl si (beg willi a k row) umil piece measures 13xh\ 13*/i: 14:14|in (34.5(34.5:35.5:35.5)cm) from l»eg. ending willi a p row. (Altcr this measurement lo lengtlicn or shonen Ihe swealer.)


Casi ofT 5 sls ai beg of next 2 rows.

81(89:99:107) sls.

Cont wiiliout shaping umil armhole measures 9(10:107/:IIlin (23(25.5:26.5:28|cm). ending willi a p row. SHAPE SHOULOERS Casi ofT 7(8:9:0) sls ai beg of nexi 4 rows ihen 5(6:8:9| sls al beg of nexl 2 rows. 43(45:47:49) sls.


Dec I st al eacli end of next and foli ali row. Work slraighi on rem 39(41:43:45) sls umil neck measures 2'/jin (Gem), ending willi a k row. Knit 4 rows. bind (casi) ofT looscly knilwise.



Using size G ( Imm/UKH) needles. casi on 53(57:GI:G5| sls and work 3in (7.5cni) in rih as given for hack. ending willi a WS row. Change lo size 8 (5mm/UKG) needles and work in sl st (l>eg willi a k row). inc I sl al each end of 3rd(5th:5th:3rd) and cvery foli 6lli(6lh:6lh:7lh) row lo 85(91:95:99) sls. Work straigltt umil piece measures I9|2l.5:23:24)in (48.5(54 6:58.5:61 )cni) from beg. ending with a p row. (Altcr ihis measurement lo lengthen or shonen sleeve: if niaking ihe slceve shorter you will need lo inerease morę frequenily -see page 72.) bind (casi) ofT.


Błock picccs lo measuremenis. Join shoulder and neck seams. Place a marker al ihe cenire of Ihe sleevc lop and maleli lo shoulder seam. Using ihe squarc sei in niethod (see page 71). sew in sleeve. Join side seams and underarm seams.

I    (I    I



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