This section contains all the technicjues you need to start knitting, beginning with how to hołd the needles and yarn, how to cast on and work the knit stiteh, and how to bind (cast) off. These basie techniques will then alłow you to complete your first project. Learn how to purl, thc other basie stiteh, and combine it with the knit stiteh to produce stockinette (stocking) stiteh and ribs. Morę projects follow, using the techniques just leamt. There is useful information on choosing and using different yams, and an explanation of the different needles and ecjuipment you will need to begin knitting confidently.
Yams are spun from natural or synthetic fibres. Natural fibres mclude wool. silk. linen. cotton. cashmere and alpaca. Synthetic fibres include polyester. acrylic. viscose. rayon and nylon. Yarn can also be a mixture of each. for example. wool and acrylic. or wool and cotton.
The followmg list describes thc most common fibres uscd in knitting yarns:
Alpaca hair from the alpaca (llama)
Angora hair from the angora rabbit Cashmere hair from the cashmere goat Cotton plant fibrę, from the boli of the cotton plant Lambswool sheeps first shearmg. usually the softest Linen plant fibrę, from the stem of the flax plant Merino wool from the fleece of the merino sheep Mohair from the angora goat the softer and fi ner kid mołw is from the kid goat
Shetland wool traditionally from Shetland sheep Silk contmuous filament secreted by the silkworm larva Wool from the fleece of a sheep
Acetate. rayon and vi$cose Chemical treatment of cellulose fibres from wood pulp
Acrylic. polyester and nylon madę from petro-chemicals. nylon is the strongest texti!e fibrę, elastane is an elastic fibrę
A ply is a single twisted strand and. as a generał rule. the morę plies that are twisted together. the thicker the yam but. confusingly. the plies from different manufacturers can be different thicknesses themselves.
A tightly spun ply will be thinner than a loosely spun one. In order of thickness they are:
I ply which is used for gossamer lace knitting like traditional Shetland shawls Baby and fingering (UK 2ply or 3ply)
Sport (UK 'Iply)
Worsted (UK DK double knitting) the most widely used weight which is suitable for most garments without being too bulky for indoor wear.
Fisherman or medium weight (UK aran) Bulky (UKchunky)
Super bulky (UK super chunky) and Big yams are even thicker