13002 The Knitters Bible4

13002 The Knitters Bible4



Tliis cushion was inspired by thc colours and forms of Jacobean crcwcl work and uses the intarsia method (sec page 47). The back is worked in two halves to insert the cushion pad. It is fastened with buttonholes and four buttons covered with knitted fabric (scc page 69 and 80). The contrast trim round the edge is a simple cord, knitted with double-pointed needles (see page 77).

Cushion front measures I Sin (38cm) square

you will need


Worsted (DK) weight wool yam (131 yd/120m):

3    x 124oz/50g balls in colour MC natura):

I x I }4oz/50g bali each in colours: A dark green B green C red D light red E purpłe F pink G light pink

4    self-cover buttons    m

1    Sin (38cm) $quare cushion pad


Size 6 (4mm/UK8) needles

2    size 6 (4mm/UK8) double-pointed needles

Gauge (Tension)

22 sts and 30 rows to 4in (lOcm) measurcd over stocktnette (stockmg) stitch on size 6 (4mm/UK8) needles


Using size 0 (4mm/UK8) needles and MC. easi on 83 sis.

Work 4 rows in si st. beg wilii a k row. START CHART

Using ihe intarsia method work from the chart on page 155. staning at the t>ottom right-hand eorner and reading the odd rows (k rows) from right to left and thc even rows (p rows) from left to right.

Cont umil all 104 rows of chart havc been complcted.

Using MC ordy. work 4 rows in st st. heg with a k row.

Bind (cast) off.


Using size 6 (4mrn/UKR) needles and MC. cast on 83 sts.

Work 51 rows in st st. ending with a k row. **

Knit 14 rows.

Bind (cast) off.


Work as givcn for hut ton scetion to Knit 7 rows.

Buttonholo row I KII. * bind (easi) off 2 sts. k 18 (including last st used in bind (cast) off): rep from * lwice rnore. bind (cast) off 2 sts. k to cnd.

Buttonholc row 2 K to cnd. casting on 2 sts ovcr those bound (cast) off in prcvious row.

Knit 5 rows.

Bind (cast) ofT.


Błock picces to mcasurcments. I.ay huttonhole border over bulion border and join together at the sides. Join front to backs.


Using 2 size 6 (4mm/UK8) double-pointed needles and l:. cast on 4 sts.

Work a tuhular cord to fit around outside of cushion. Sew it over the scam.


Cover four buttons using colours A. B. C and I). Sew into place on bulion border. Insert cushion pad.



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