The Knitters Bible0

The Knitters Bible0



A grcat way to try thc looped knitting tcchnique (sec page 55). tliis charming shecp has thc flcecc for its back and hcad knittcd in one piece, with another piece for thc underbelly. It isn’t a suitable toy for babies and very young chi Id ren to play with but will be treasured for futurę years.

Sheeps height is 5in (13cm)

you will need


Worsted (DK) weight wool yam (131 yd/120m)

i x I Moz/50g bali each in colours:

A white


White toy stuffing


Size 3 (3.25mm/UKIO) needles

Gauge (Tcnsion)

26 sts and 32 rows to 4in (I Ocm) measured over stockincttc (stocking) stitch on size 3 (3.25mm/UKIO) needles


Using size 3 (3.2Gmm/UKlO) needles and A. cast on 42 sis. placing markers belween sis II and 12 and belween sis 30 and 31. Do not slip markers as you knit. Ieavc łbem on the first row to usc wben sewing up.

** Row I KI tbl inio each st to end.

Row 2 KI tbl. loop st into each st to last st. kl tbl.

Rep thesc 2 rows 4 limes morę.


Ncxt row Cast oflT6 sts. kl tbl into each st to end.

Ncxt row Cast oflT 6 sts. loop st into each st to last st. k I tbl.

Palt 8 rows.


Ncxt row Cast on 6 sts. kl tbl into each

st to end.

Ncxt row Cast on 0 sts. k I tbl into first st. loop st into each st to last st. k I tbl. Palt 8 rows.

Next row Cast ofT0 sts. kl tbl into each st to end.

Next row Cast ofT 6 sts. loop st into each st to last st. k I tbl. 20 sts.


Dec I st at each end of ncxt and foli alt row. IG sts.

Palt 12 rows.

Bind (cast) ofTloosdy by kl tbl into each st.


Using size 3 (3.2Gmm/UKlO) needles and

A.    cast on 22 sts and place a marker belween sts II and 12.

Work as given for body from " to 10 sts.

Bind (cast) ofT thesc 10 sts looscly by kl tbl into each st.


Using size 3 (3.2Gmm/UKlO) needles and

B.    cast on 18 sts and work 2 rows in st st. staning with a k row.

Inc row K4. Ml. (kl. Ml) lwice. k6. Ml. (kl. Ml) lwice, k4. 24 sts.

P I row.

Inc row KG. Ml. k3. Ml. k8. Ml. k3. Ml. kG. 28 sts.

P I row.

Inc row KG. Ml. kl. Ml. klO. Ml. k3.

Ml. kG. 32 sts.

P l row.

Inc row K7. Ml. k3. Ml. kl2. Ml. k3.

Ml. k7. 3G sts.

Work II rows in st st. staning with a p row.

Dcc row K7. k2log. kl. ssk. k!2. k2tog. kl. ssk. k7. 32 sts.

Work 3 rows in st st.

Dcc row KG. k2tog. kl. ssk. klO. k2log. kl. ssk. kG. 28 sts.

P 1 row.

Dcc row KG. k2log. kl. ssk. k8. k2tog. kl. ssk. kG. 24 sts.

P 1 row.

Dcc row K3. (k2tog. k2) G limes. kl. 14 sts. PI row.

Bind (cast) ofT.


Using size 3 (3.2Gmm/UK 10) needles and B. cast on 10 sts and work 2 rows in st st. staning with a k row.

Inc row Kl. Ml. k8. Ml. kl. 12 sts.

P 1 row.

Inc row Kl. Ml. k!2. Ml. kl. 14 sts. Work 3 rows in st st.

Dec I st at each end of next and cvcry foli alt row to 8 sts.

P I row.

Cul yam and thread tbrough rem sts.


Join the l>ody to the underbelly at back leg seams by matching markers. Join rem centrę back scani.

With RS of work facing and using size 3 (3.2Gmm/UKlO) needles and A. pick up and knit 20 sts cvenly around back leg of body.

** Dcc row K4. k2tog. k8. k2tog. k4.

18 sts.

Cbange to B and work 8 rows in st st. staning with a k row.

Dcc row Kl. (k2tog) 8 limes. kl. 10 sts.



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