Another patchwork knitting technique is mitred squares (also known as domino knitting). Each squarc is workcd individually and the stitches for the next square are pickcd up front any side of the First square. It requires little or no sewing up. The shape of the squares is achieved by decreasing into the centre, hence the name of mitred squares. In mitred squares only the stitches of one squarc will be on the necdles at any time.
This is a technique best learnt by working it and this exantple is a group of four basie garter stitch squares.
Cast on 19 sts loosely usrng the knitting on method (see page 24).
Row I and every foli WS row K to last st. sl I purłwise with yam in front of the work (wyif).
Row 2 (RS) K8. sl I -k2tog-psso. k7. sl I pwise wyif. 17 sts.
Row 4 K7. sl I -k2tog-psso. k6. sl I pwise wyif. 15 sts.
Row 6 K6. sl I -k2tog-psso. k5. sl I pwise wyif. 13 sts.
Row 8 K5. sl I -k2tog-psso. k4. sl I pwise wyif. 11 sts.
Row 10 K4. sl I -k2tog-psso. k3. sl I pwise wyif. 9 sts.
Row 12 K3. sl I -k2tog-psso. k2. sl I pwise wyif. 7 sts.
Row 14 K2.sl I-k2tog-psso. k I. sl I pwise wyif. 5 sts.
Row 16 KI. sl I -k2tog-psso. sl I pwise wyif. 3 sts.
Row 18 Sl I -k2tog-psso. Cut yam and thread through last st to fasten off.
One square is completed. By slipping the last stitch of every row. a linę of edge stitches is created along two sides of the square.These make it much easier to pick up stitches for the next square.
To work the next square. with the nght-hand needle and nght side of work facmg. pick up and knit 9 sts along the side of the first square through both loops of the edge stitches. pick up I st at the comer then cast on 9 sts (using knitting on method). 19 sts. Complete as given for basie mitred square.
Cast on 9 sts. then pick up and knit 10 sts (I comer st and 9 other sts) along edge of first square through both loops of the edge stitches. Complete as given for basie mitred square.
With the right-hand needle. pick up and knit 9 sts along side of square three. pick up and knit I st at comer then pick up and knit 9 sts along side of second square. 19 sts. Complete as given for basie mitred square.
This sample knitted in garter strtch shows all the techniques needed to work mitred squares and to jotn them together.The basie square can be any number of stitches. as long as it is an odd number. Work the squares in stockinette (stocking) stitch by working the WS rows as purl rows. Moss stitch works well over the odd number of stitches; just repeat kl.pl across all rows.Whichever stitch you use. always remember to keep working the edge stitches in the same way: slip the last stitch purłwise with the yam at the front of the work and knit the slipped stitch on the return row.