In an mtarsia design, you will get a lot of ends of yarn where areas of colour have begun or ended. It is important to weave in these ends either as you knit or stop knitting after every ten rows and sew them in. It gets rid of any ends that could tangle with working yarns. and if you leave it until the end it will seem a very long and arduous job. Sewing in the ends is neater but if you have many yarn ends to fmish. weavmg them in as you go is faster.
Weaving in ends on a knit row 1 Insert the tip of the right-hand needle mto the next stitch. bnng the cut end over the needle. wrap the yam around the needle as though to knit
2 Puli the cut end off the needle and fmish knitting the stitch. The cut end is caught into the knitted stitch.
Work the next stitch as normal then catch the cut end in as before. If you work altemately like this the cut end will lie above and below the row of stitches.
Practise using the intarsia method of colour knitting by making this colourful cushion.
Finish a piece of intarsia knitting by sewing in and cutting off any stray ends neatty. Where the two colours are twisted together. you will see a linę of loops. Using a large-eyed tapestry needle. dam in the end along this linę in one direction and then back again for a few stitches.
Błock the piece (see page 66) and push any distorted stitches back into place with the end of a tapestry needle.
Intarsia cushion knitted in a worsted (DK) wool yam on size 6 (4mm/UK8) needles. See page IS4 for pattern.
Weaving in ends on a purl row 1 Insert the tip of the right-hand needle mto the next stitch. bnng the cut end over the needle. wrap the yam around the needle as though to purl.
2 Puli the cut end off the needle and fmish purling the stitch.The cut end is caught mto the purled stitch.
Work the next stitch as normal then catch the cut end in as before. If you work altemately like this the cut end will lie above and below the row of stitches.