The Knitters Bible3

The Knitters Bible3


Knitted in a 4ply mcrccrized cotton, thcsc dainty lace bags can be fillcd with lavender, dried roses or pot pourri. The tecbnicjues rcquired to create the lace paltem are yam over (see page 35) and decreasing (see page 28).

Bag measures approximately 3in (7.5cm) wide by 4in (lOcm) long



The picccs nre fullcd umil Ihcy mcasurc approximaicly lin (lOem) wicie. Steam press each piece flai.


Joln «hc iwo heart shapes logelher. Ieaving a gap at tlie top. Fili willi lavcndcr and sew gap closed. Make a twisted cord. 8in (20cm) long using iwo strands of purple yarn (sec page 77) and sew lo Ihe lop as a hanging loop.


Using size 3 (3.25mrn/UKIO) needlcs and A. casi on 30 sis and work 142 rows in gingham check pall as given for heart sachei.

Bind (casi) off looscly.


The piece is fullcd uulil ii measures approximatdy 4in (lOcin) wide. Sieani press Hal.


Wrap wadding neally around ihe hanger umil ii is covered. Fold ihe knilicd cover in half along iis lengfh. Mark ilu* cenią* of the long fold and push ihe hook of ihe coat hanger carefuUy iluough the fahric frorn ihe WS al ihis poinl. Fuli Ihe covcr around ihe wadding and pin ihe ends logelher and ihe long searn al ihe bonom. Adjusi ihe wadding if necessary. Sew ihe seams closed. Tie a piece of ribbon or iwisled cord around ihe hase of ihe hook and sew in place.

you will need


Sport (4ply) weight mercerized cotton yam (I53yd/I40m per bali)

Light Pink Bng

I x 13/4oz/50g bali in light pink Park Pink Bag

I x I ł4oz/50g bali in dark pink Park Purple Bag

I x I }4oz/50g bali in dark purple

20in (51 cm) of %r\ (7mm) wide ribbon in a colour to match your chosen cotton yam

White voile or organza for lining

Lavcnder. dried rosę petals. pot pourri or similar


Size 2 (3mm/UKI I) necdles

Gauge (Tension)

28 sts and 30 rows to 4in (lOcm) measured over stockinettc (stocking) stitch on size 2 (3mm/UKI I) needles


Using size 2 (3mni/UKll) needles and A. cast on 41 sls and purl I row.

Work 40 rows in Dainty Chcvron stitch (see Stitch library page 120). ending wilh a p row.

PICOT BIND (CAST) OFF Ncxt row Bind (casi) off 2 sls. * slip st back on lo left-hand nccdlc. casi on 2 sls using cahlc casi on method (sec page 24). bind (casi) off 5 sls: rep from * lo end.

Cul yarn and draw ihrough łasi sl.


Using size 2 (3mm/UKll) needlcs and B. cast on 41 sls and purl 1 row.

Work 32 rows in llorscshoe Lace (see Stitch library page 121). ending with a p row.

Work the picol bind (casi) off as givcn for light pink bag.

PARK PURPLE BAG___________

Using size 2 (3mm/UKll) needles and C. casi on 45 sls and purl 1 row.

Work 36 rows in Snowflake Hyclcts (see Stitch library page 121). ending wilh a p row.

Work Ihe picol bind (casi) off as givcn for light pink bag.


Błock hag lo mcasurcments, pinning each picol poinl separaiely. Whcn dry rcmove pins and fold in half. wrong sides logelher. and join side and bottom seams. Cul a piece of lining fahric 7in (!8cm) wide by 4in (lOcm) long. Fold in half and join side and hottorn seams. Finish ihe lop edge lo preveni fraying. Fili wilh lavcndcr or chosen fdling. Ful fillcd lining inio bag. Thread ribbon ihrough holes in lace. approximately lin (2.5cm) from lop. beginning and ending at cenire fronl. Puli up and lic securrly wilh a bow.



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