In this section, you will build upon the techniąues that you have learnt so far. You will sec new ways of working stitches, such as lace knitting, using yam overs and decreases deeoratively. The sections on cables, twisted stitches and embossed knitting introduce manipulating stitches, twisting them and carrying them across the fabric, to add a three dimensional aspect to your knitting. Colour knitting is covered by the sections on two techniąues; intarsia and fair isle knitting. There is a section on circular knitting and how to use four or morę needles, or circular needles. Short rows are useful for shaping and can produce wonderful structural effects.
The generał term used to cover eyelets, faggoting and lace is lace knitting. These form categories on their own, but many stitch patterns overlap between two or even three of them.
Eyelets are single holes worked in rows or in groups on a background of stockinette (stocking) stitch; for examplc, a drawstring can be threaded through a row of eyelets with three or four stitches between them.
Knitted faggoting is the same term as that used in embroidery and dcscribes a linę of horizontal or vertical holes, next to each other and separatcd by a few strands of thread. It is often used as an open insertion around a hem or cuff. All-over faggoting forms a net or mesh.
Lace is the most open variation where the holes and decreases are arranged to form patterns. A lace stitch pattern can be repeatcd as an all-over fabric or worked as an insertion on stockinette (stocking) stitch. The stitch and row repeat can vary from simple patterns of less ihan ten stitches and two rows up to complex patterns of 20 or 30 stitches and as many rows.
Knit a trio of lace sachcts to hołd pot pourri or lavender and practisc three lace stitch patterns.
The lace bags are knitted in a sport (4ply) mercenzed cotton yam on size 2 (3mm/UKI I) needles. See page 143 for the patterns.