Sometimes you have to work a yam over at the edge of the work. before the first stitch. (yo twice)
Before a knit stitch bring the yam fonward as if to puri. knit the first stitch bnnging the yam over the nght needle as you do so.
Before a purl stitch take the yam back as though to knit purl the first stitch. bnnging the yam over the needle as you do so.
These are used to make bigger holes. Wrap the yam around the needle twice. On the return row. you must knit then purl mto the double yam over
Decreases m lace stitches play a decoratwc part and the lace stitch pattern will tell you which decrease to work (see page 74)
A simple lace pattern is wntten as follows-
Row I KI, • yfwd,kl.sk2po.kl.yfwd. kl:rep from • to end.
Row 2 P to er>d.
Row 3 KI. • kl. yfwd. sk2po. yfwd. k2: rep from • to end.
Row 4 P to end.
This pattern ts worked over a multiple of six stitches plus one and over four rows. If you cast on 25 stitches this will grve you four repeats of the pattern. The part you repeat is between the asterisks: so on row I you would begin with kl. then work a yfwd. kl. then work the decrease sk2po. k I. another yfwd. and
then kl.The sk2po decreases the two stitches that you make by working the two yfwds. Go back to the astensk and begm the repeat agam with yfwd. kl. etc. Keep repeating the six stitches until you neach the end of the row. Count your stitches and make surę you still have 25; if you havc morę. you havcn't worked the sk2po properly. if you have less you may have missed one of the yfwds. Row 2 is just a purl row. On row 3. begin with k I and then work the repeat four tirres. Row 4 is a purl row. These four rows form the pattern and are repcated.
So go back to row I and start again.
To see the lace pattern at its best the knitting needs to be stretched slightly to opcn it out and then blocked. Lace pattems look particularły good kmtted in a smooth cotton yam
Placing markers for the lace pattern repeats is a good idea when you are shaping a piece of lace knitting for a garment. By marking the beginning of the first repeat and the end of the last repeat you can inerease stitches at the beginning and end of a row and keep the lace pattern correct For morę Information on inereasmg mto stitch pattems see page 74
A lace pattern needs to be stretched slightly when blocking (see page 66). It needs to be opened out to show off the pattern of holes. By working decreases so often the fabric will be puckered. When worki ng a gauge (tension) square. puli it out so that it lies fiat and the holes are open Do not over stretch it or it will be distorted.