82570 The Knitters Bible8

82570 The Knitters Bible8



Twisting yams together

Once you’ve jomed in a)l the cołours that you need across the row. on the return row the yams shoułd be twisted to join the błocks of colour together. When you change cołour, always pick up the new colour from under the okJ yam.This is particularty important when the cok>urs are changed at the same place in two or morę rows. A linę of loops will be formed on the wrong side of the work; these should not show through to the right side. Puli the yams up firmły for the first stitch after twisting.

Twisting yams on a knit now Insert the tip of the nght-hand needle into the next stitch. puli the old colour to the left. pick up the new colour and bnng it up behind the old colour Knit the next stitch. The two yams are twisted together.

Twisting yams on a purl row Insert the tip of the nght-hand needle into the next stitch. puli the okJ colour to the left. pick up the new colour and bnng it up behind the old cołour. Purl the r>ext stitch The two yams are twisted together

Carrying yarn

Sometimes you will need to begm a new cołour several strtches before where you used it on the previous row. Work the next stitch with the new cołour. twistmg it with the old colour as before: do not puli the yarn too tightły across the back of the work, spread the stitches out to get the correct tension. This will result in a loop of the new colour laying across the back of the work. If it is onły a couple of stitches. this will not be a problem. If it is over several stitches. and there is a łong loop. you need to catch it mto the knitting or it will snag dunng wear. If it is morę than scven stitches. it is best to cut the yam and jom it m at the new position.

On a knit row

1 Knit two stitches in the new colour. Insert the tip of the nght-hand needle mto the next stitch. then pick up the long loop.

On a purl row

1 Purl two stitches in the new colour. Insert the tip of the nght-hand needle mto the next stitch. then pick up the long loop.

2 Wrap the yam around as though to knit then pul the long loop off the needte. Knit the stitch. The loop will be caught without appeanng on the front of the work.

2 Wrap the yam around as though to purl. then puli the long loop off the needle. Purl the stitch. The loop will be caught wrthout appeanng on the front of the work.

■    A

■    6

■    C

■    O

Using bobbins

Each area of colour on an intarsia chart needs a separate length of yam This simple błock pattem shows the three bobbins needcd to work the central square of each błock using the intarsia method. Each bobbin is pickcd up in tum and used before being left to hang from a short length of yam to prevent it becommg tangled with the others. When the centre square is completed, only one bobbin will be used to fmish the błock and the other two will be cut off and the ends sewn m neatly.



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