12430 The Knitters Bible8

12430 The Knitters Bible8


The actual yams and colours used to knit the projccts on pages 129-54 are givcn below. If you have difficulty in locating yams sec the suppliers list opposite.

R*t* iw

Scripcd Scarf Jaeger Matchmaker Mermo Aran (100% mermo wod -90yd/ 82m per bał) I x I toz/SOg bal cach n cotoury A 77S Gtonma.

B 772 OMT C 663 Light Natura!.

D 662 Oeam

PUłn Scarf Rowan Pdar (60% wod/ 30%ałpacVl0%acr>*c -I09yd/I00m per bal): 2 x l/.oJ lOOg bals n cotour 6S0 Smrk

W uo

Ftowcr Top Rowan Wod Cotton (123ytS7l 13m per bal)

I x 2w ($0g) each m cotocr A 946 Elf. B 949 Aqujl C 9S2 H«

PV u*

Scripad Baf Rcwan Wool Cotton (l2Sydl1 Sm pet- bal)

1    x 2or (5Qr) each n cokxr A 80S Wre. B 799 Gtee. C 724 Bubdes

0    726 Błeached E 800 Bud

PV iw

CabłeThrow Rowan Rowanspun Oxmfcy (100% fxre ncw wool I42yd/I 30m per bal). 3 x 3*v/ lOOg hanks each n cokxrv A 981 Aebbto. B 982 Ocen Water.

C 983 Cardamom.

2    x 3/o2/l00g hanks m cotos*

0984 SAer


Plac* Mat and Coasttr Debdc Bfcss Cotton OK (100% cotton 92yd/84m per ba*) as fo*Owv

3    x l -or/SOj? baJK n cotour 13020 Bnghl Grcen


Mrttcnj Jaeger Matchmaker OK (100% wool I3ly<yi20mperbal)

1    x IXoz/S0g bal each m cotoury

T/ger MC 898 Orange.

A 681 Black. B 662 Ocam. oddment of pmk for nosc Beor MC 702 Dark Brown.

A 874 Light Brown, oddment Of bUck for face

Dog MC 874 Light Brown. A 663 Berge. oddment of bUck for face Cot MC 787 Gmgcr A 662 Ocam oddments of p<nk for nosc and Wack for face

PV u*

Rłb Sutch Scarf Rowan Rowampcm Chu*y (100% purc new wod !42ycVI 30m per bal) 2 x 3/oz/l00g hanks n cotosr 992 Hearty

P*t* iw

Shoa Row Cushton 2ifl CentiryYams (100% »*): 2 x l*oi/S0gskemsm cotour Arurc

pat* IW

Stnped Bem Jaeger Matchmaker DK (100% menno wool 13lyd/l 20m per bal) l x I YotJ SOg bals each n cotocr A 883 P^etat B 894 Geranium

Ptain Bem Rowan Yorkshrc Tweed (100% punc ncw wod I23ydfll3m per bal). 1(2 2) x l toz/SOg bals n COfour 349 Frog

paga lit

Garden Płot Squam Throw Rowan HarxSavt DK Cotton (100% cotton 93yd/8Sm per bal) 34 x IKoz/SOg bals n cofour 204 Chrne

pa«* I3t

Beaded Bag Rowan Lurcx Shanmcr (80% wscosc/ 20% pdyester KHyd^Sm); 2 x I/toi/5Qg b*s m cotour 332 Gokl I pack of Jaeger beads cofour 13001009 Brorw

pag* 140

SheepToy Jaeger Matchmaker DK (100% pure ncw wool 13lycV I20m); I X IXoz/S0g bal each n cotoery A 661 WNte. B 681 BUck

pat* 141

Fdr W* Baby BUnket RowanWod Cotton DK (50% mermo wod/50% cotton I23ydfll3m per bal)

I x IXoWS0g bal each m cotoury MC 900 Antxjue. A 933 V.dcL B 953 August C 909 French Navy. D 952 hfcsv E 954 Grand F 910 Gypsy.

G 951 Tender

pag* 142

Scented Sacheo and Cover Jamcson and Smith 2pły jimper weight ShetUnd Wool (100% shetUnd wool - l29y<Vll8mperbal). I x lo//2Sg bal e.Kh <n cofoers: A IA cream. B 49 Mac:

C 20 purplc

pag* 143

Lac* Bags Jaeger Siena 4pły (100% mcecenred cotton -

I53ydfl40m per bal)

bghł pmfc bog I x l>foz/50g bal

n cofour A 404 Light Pmk

Ocrfc pmk bog I x I -oz/SOg bal

m cotocr B 423 Dark Ptok

Dork ptrpJe bog I x lXoz/50g bal

n cotocr C 421 Dark Ptrpłe

pag* 144

Aduh's Funnel Neck Sweater Debb« Bfcss Mermo Aran (100% mermo wool 85yd/ 78m per bal): 15(16:17:18] x lifo2Ż5QgbAm cokxr 325205 Bfoe Grcen

pag* I4S

Chdds Funnel Neck Sweacer Debb«e Bfcss Menno Aran (100% mermo wool 85yd/78m per bal):

12(12:13 13] x I foWSOgbals n cotour 325205 Błuc Green

pag* 144

Lace Cardjan Debb< Bfcss Mermo DK (100% mermo wod I09yd/I00m per bal) 8(9 10] x I foc/50g bals m cofour 606 Llac

pag* 147

Baby Boocees ]aeger Baby Mermo DK (100% mermo wod I3lyd/l20m);

I x IXoz/S0g bal m cotour 224 Dawn

pag* 148

Rosę Brooch Jarmeson and Smith 2p»y jumper weight ShetUnd Wod (100% shetUnd wod l2^>dMl8m per bal): I x loz/25g bal each m COfoury A 43 Maroon. B 92 Grcen Rosa Button Fastenfog Jacgcr S*ena 4pły (100% merccrued cotton -I53ydfl40m per bal) l x I Xo/750g bal m cdour 421 Dark Purple

DMC Strandcd Cotton embrofoery thread I hank m each of the cofoury 718 Dark Rosę. 605 L^ht Pdc 472 Green

Leaf Edged Sachec Jaeger Sena 4pły (i 00% mercerwed cotton 153/ck I40m per bal): I x l^oz/50gbaln cofocr 404 Ught F*nk

pag* I4f

Gingham Check Bag Debde Bfcss Cotton DK (100% cotton 92ysV82m per bal). 2 x I -foz/SOg bals m cotour 13002 WMc Rosę Brocade Bag Debde Bfcss Cotton DK (100% cotton -92yd82m per bal) 2 x IXoW50g bals mcofou- 13012 Marne

pag* ISO

Patchwork Cushton Rowm Handkmt Cotton DK (100% cotton 93ydf85m per bal): I x Iktoz^Og bal m cokxr A 204 CNme Rowan Wod Cotton DK (50% mermo wool/50% cotton I23yd/113m per bal). I x Ikcw^Og bal each m cotoury B 933 Votet C 952 Hny D 951 Tender Debb* Bfcss Cotton DK (100% cotton 92yd84m per bal)

2 x I Xox/S0g bals m cotour:

E 13020 Bnght Green

pag* ISI

Yalendrt* Card Jaeger S<na 4ply (100% mercerucd cotton -l53ydM40m per bal) I x iMM^Og balncokxr42l Dark Pupie I skem d Caron Watcrfcfccs 12pły s* embrodery thread m cotosr 084 Afocan Sunsct

Chmtmas Tree Card Jaeger Siena 4ply (100% merccn/ed cotton lS3yd/!40mperbal): I x Dfoz^Og bal m cofour 404 Ught Pnk I skem dCaron Waterkfces I2p»ys* embrotoery thread m cotour 066 Jadę

pag* IS2

Cdt Bags see pages 12-13 for detafs paga 153

Housa SampUr Rowan Yorkjłwe Tweed 4ply (100% wod -120ycVI I0m per bal) 2 x 25g bals d cotocr 264

DMC Tapestry Wod (100% wod • 8 7yd/8m per skem):

I skem each of 7110 dark red 77S8 red 7759 fcght red 7306 dark bfoe. 7304 bfoe. 7505 gdd 7370 dark green. 7369 green DMC Stranded Cotton l x 838 dark brown

pag* IS4

Inursia Cushton Jaeger Matchmaker DK (100% pure wod • I3lyd/I20m):3x IKoz/ 50g bals m cotour MC 663 Light Natural I x IXoz/50g bal each m cotoury A 857 Sagę. B 886 Asparagus. C 876 CUnce. D 870 Rosy. E 894 Geranium: F 887 Fuchsa. G 896 Rock Rosę


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