The Knitters Bible9

The Knitters Bible9

Designing with mitred squares

The basie square forms a mitred comer, work two together and a rectangle is formed. Work three together and an L shape is madę: work four together and a complete mitred square is madę. For a rectangle. cast on twice the number of stitches for the basie square (2 x 19 sts = 38 sts). for an L shape cast on three times the stitches and for a complete square cast on four times the stitches. Place a slip marker every 19 stitches to show you where one square ends and the next begms. Work each 19 stitches as a basie square; do not work a slip stitch on the inside edges of the individual square$; work it to match the main fabne.

To complete the square. either sew it closed or pick up stitches along each edge towards the middle and use the three needle seam bind (cast) off (see page 25).

Combining different shapes together in various ways (above and left. for example) can make interesting patchwork patterns. You can plan it on paper first or just start knitting.

Knit Perfect

/ The edge stitches are important; whatever fabne you are working, slip the last stitch purlwise with the yam at the front of the work and knit the slipped stitch on the return row. If the penultimate stitch is a knit. you will have to bring the yam forward between the needłes. If it is a por! stitch. the yam will be in the correct position. Ałways knit the slipped stitch on the next row. the yam will be in the knit position to remind you.

y Mitred squares look best when worked in many colours. Either choose a multi-coloured yam or make your own by tying yard (metre) lengths of different coloured yams together. It is a great way to use up leftover yam.

y With a multi-coloured yam it is unnecessary to cut the yam between each square. Use the last stitch of one square as the first stitch of the next. Keeping one yam going makes the placement of the squares morę random and your knitted piece will grow organically rather than in a planned manner.

/ Weave any ends m as you go (see page 49).

y Try a different decrease. instead of sl I -k2tog-psso work sk2po or. for an unbroken chain stitch running up the centre. sl2tog-kl -psso.




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