A border of looped knitting makes a mock fur fabric for thc collar and cuffs on a garment. As an all-over fabric, it can bc uscd to make soft toys or. with the loops cut, a pile rug. The basc fabric is garter stitch: a row of twistcd knit stitches knitted through the back of the loop (kl tbl) is followed by a row of loop stitches.
The pattern is a two row repeat witb the loops madę on thc wrong side row and ail the stitches are knitted through the back of thc stitch on the right side row. Knitting thc first and last stitches of the loop row through the back of the stitch makes the edges morę stable for making up.
the result:
A sample of looped knitting showmg half the loops intact and the other half cut to create a pile. The twisted stitches which prevent the loops or pile being pulled out show on the back of the fabric.
1 Knit into the back of the next stitch. do not slip stitch off the left-hand needle.
3 Insert the tip of the left-hand needle through the front of the two stitches just worked and knit them together. Puli the loop on the index finger gently to tighten the stitch. Remove finger.
Repeat steps I - 3 for every stitch across the row to the last stitch. kl tbl.
These two rows form the pattern.
A rcally woolly shecp uses tłu-loop stitch to great effcct!
Shcop toy knitted in a worsted (DK) weight wool yam on size 3 (3.25mm/UKI0) needles.
Sec page 140 for pattern.
2 Insert the tip of the nght-hand needle mto the front of the same stitch and kmt the stitch by passing the yam anti-clockwise around the mdex finger of the left hand and then round the needle. Slip the stitch off the left-hand needle.
For flatter loops...
The fabne produced has loops on every altemate row and the loops will stand up. By adding morę twisted knit rows between the loop rows the loops will lie flatter
Row I Work a row of (k I tbl) twisted stitches. Row 2 KI tbl. then make loop as follows: