English method (yarn in ihe nght hond)
In knit stitch the yarn is held at the back of the work (the side facing away from you) and is madę up of four steps.
In knitting there arc only iwo stitches to leam - knil stitch (k) and purl stitch (p). Thcy arc the foundation of all knittcd fabrics. Once you have mastered thcse two simple stitches, by combining them in different ways, you will soon bc knitting ribs, textures. cables and many morę exciting fabrics.
1 Hołd the needle with the cast on stitches m your left hand. and insert the nght-hand needle into the front of the stitch from left to nght.
2 Pass the yarn under and around the right-hand needle.
3 Puli the new loop on the nght-hand 4 Slip the stitch off the left-hand needle through the stitch on the left- needle. One knit stitch i$ completed. hand needle.
To continue...
Repcat these four steps for each stitch on the left-hand needle. All the stitches on the left-hand needle will be transfened to the right-hand needle where the new row is formed. At the end of the row. swap the needle with the stitches into your left hand and the empty needle into your nght hand. and work the next row in the same way.