11548 The Knitters Bible7

11548 The Knitters Bible7

right side

Right side edge triangle

With the nght-hand needle and wrong side of the work facing, pick up and purl 8 sts evenly along the next edge of the base tnangłe and tum.

Rows I and 2 K7. sl I pwise and tum. p6 (mcludmg sl st of presnous row). p2tog (to shape side edge) and tum.

Rows 3 and 4 K6. sl I pwise and tum. pS. p2tog and tum.

Rows 5 and 6 K5. sl I pwise and tum. p4. p2tog and tum,

Rows 7 and 8 K4. sl I pwise and tum. p3. p2tog and tum.

Rows 9 and 10 K3. sl I pwise and tum. p2. p2tog and tum.

Rows 11 and 12 K2. sl I pwise and tum. p I. p2tog.

Rows 13 and 14 KI. sl I pwise and tum. p2tog and tum. Ali sts are on the left-hand needle ready for the next row of squares. ••

Knit row of squares

On this row. there are no side tnangles to work.

First square

Slip the first st on to the nght-hand needle then with the nght side of the work facing, pick up and knit 7 sts evenly along the edge of the nght side tnangle and tum, 8 sts.

Rows I and 2 P7. sl I purlwise and tum. k7 (mcludmg sl st of previous row). ssk (last st of square and next st on left-hand needle to join pieces together) and tum Rep these 2 rows 6 times morę.

Rows 15 and 16 P7. sl I purlwise and tum. k7. ssk and do not tum.

Ali sts of the square in the row below have been used.

Second and third squares

With nght-hand needle and right side of work facing, pick up and knit 8 sts along edge of next square in row below and tum.

Work as given for first square.Then work a third square the same. Tum. Work a purl row of $quares from •• to •• agam. workmg mto the squares of the previous row instead of the base tnangles. To finish the piece, a row of tnangles has to be worked to gtve a straight top edge.

Top row of triangles

With right side of work facing, slip the first st on to the nght-hand needle then pick up and knit 7 sts along edge of first square and tum. 8 sts.

Rows I and 2 P8 and tum. k7. ssk (last st of scjuare and next st on nght-hand needle to join the pieces) and tum.

Rows 3 and 4 P6. p2tog (to shape top edge) and tum. k6. ssk and tum.

Rows 5 and 6 P5. p2tog and tum. k5. ssk and tum.

Rows 7 and 8 P4. p2tog and tum. k4. ssk and tum.

Rows 9 and 10 P3. p2tog and tum. k3. ssk and tum.

Rows 11 and 12 P2. p2tog and tum. k2. ssk and tum.

Rows 13 and 14 PI. p2tog and tum. k I. ssk and tum.

Rows 15 and 16 P2tog and tum. ssk and do not tum. Leave this st on nght-hand needle. Repeat this top triangle twice morę across the top of the piece. Cut yam and thread through last stitch to fasten off.

Knit Perfect

/ The number of stitches to cast on equals the number of stitches in each square multiplied by the number of squares. Cast on morę or less stitches to make the squares bigger or smaller.

/ Ałways start with the base row of tnangles. then repeat the purl row of squares and the knit row of $quares to form the mam fabnc. ending with a purl row to work the top tnangles across.

/ The woven effect of entrelac can be emphasised by workmg in two colours: work the knit rows of squares m one colour and the purl rows of squares in another.The squares can abo be worked in any strtch; try knrtting them in cabłe pattems. textured stitch pattems like moss or garter stitch. or a lace pattem.


/ Slippmg the edge stitches purlwise makes it easier to p*k up stitches; pick them up through both loops of the edge stitch. Edge stitches are explained morę fully m mitred sguares. see page 58.



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