Workjng m st st. dec I st at each end of next and every foli 8th row to 91 [103:113] sts.
From the size diagrams. you can see that the side edges are shaped into the waist. One stitch is decreased at each side on the next row. then work seven rows without shaping and decrease on the next row. work another seven rows and decrease on the next row until you reach the stitch total for your size. You can decrease by working two stitches together at the edge or you could work the decreases as fuli fashionmg.These decorative decreases will add an elegant fmish to the garment (see page 28 9). A fuli fashiomng decrease row would be k3. ssk k to last 5 sts. k2tog. k3.
Work straight until back measures I Om (25cm) from beg, endmg with a p row.
Inc I st at each end of next and every foli 6th row to 99 [ 111:121 ] sts.
Several rows are worked at the waist without shaping and then the back is increased out agam for the bust measurement. One stitch is increased at each end of the next row. then work five rows without shaping and mcrease on the next row. work another five rows straight and mcrease on the next row until you reach the stitch total for your size. You can fuli fashion the mcreases to match the decreases (see page 27). A fuli fashiomng mcrease row would be k2. kmt into front and back of next st k to last 4 sts. kmt into front and back of next st. k3.
Work straight until back measures
Min (35.5cm) from beg. ending with
a p row.
Lay the work on a fiat smooth surface. not on your lap or the carpet as they can clmg to the kmttmg and you wont get a true measurement. Use a tape measure and place it vertically slightly in from the edge of the piece to get an accurate measurement. Measure from the cast on edge to the needles.
Bind (cast) off 5 [6:7] sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec I st at each end of every row to 79 [85:91 ] sts.
Use the same method to decrease as you used for the shaping to the waist.
Work straight until armhole measures T/i [8:8!4]in (19 [20.5:21.5]cm). endmg with a p row.
Bmd (cast) off 6 [7:8] sts at beg of r»ext 4 rows then 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Bmd (cast) off rem 43 [45:47] sts.
Work as given for back until front is 16 rows less than back to shoulder shaping. endmg with a p row.
Instead of repeatmg all the same mstructions. work exactły as you did for the back, using the same methods of decreasing and increasmg. In many pattems this is given as a measurement Make surę you work the same number of straight rows at the waist and below the underarm. On the back place a marker 16 rows down from the first row of bmd (cast) off stitches at the shoulders. Count the number of rows from the last decrease at the armhole to this marker, and work the same number of rows on the front. Sewing the garment together is madę much easier if the side and armhole seams have the same number of rows.
Next row K29 [31:33] sts. join in a 2nd bali of yam and bmd (cast) off centre 21 [23:25] sts. k to end.
Working both sides at the same time. dec I st at neck edge on foli 11 rows.
18 [20.22] sts at each side. Work 4 rows straight endmg at armhole edge (work I row morę on left side of neck).
Pattems vary on how they tell you to work the neck shaping. This pattem tells you to work both sides at the same time. by joining in a second bali of yam. Working both sides at once ensures that they will be the same. In some other pattems. the left side is worked first and the right side is worked as a mirror image of it. Use the same method as before to decrease.