80413 The Knitters Bible4

80413 The Knitters Bible4



Short rows arc partially knitted rows; the work is turncd before thc row is completed and the same stitches are worked back across. This results in there being two morę rows at one side of the fabric than at the other. Short row knitting is also called turning, or partia! knitting.

The technique is commonly used for shaping soek heels. known as turning a heel. On each turning row one less stitch is worked and thcn, to turn the heel, you work one morę stitch each turning row until you are back to your original number of stitches.

Knit Perfect

/ When you tum the work. a hole appears when all the stitches are worked over again.You can either leave this as a pattern feature or use the wrap method to cover it up.

/ Wrapping the stitch does not work if you are only decreasing or increasing by one stitch on every turning row.To hide the hole in this case. slip the first stitch after the tum purtwise and then work the slip stitch together with the head of the stitch below when working back across the tum.This method can also be used instead of the wrap method.

On a knit row

1    Knit to the turning point slip the next stitch knitwise on to the nght-hand needle and bring the yam forward between the needles to the right side of the work.

2    Slip the slipped stitch back to the right-hand needle and take the yam back to the knit position.Tum the work as though at the end of a row. The slipped stitch has been wrapped and it has a bar across iL Purl back across the row

To hide the bar...

When you knit back over the turning point and the wrapped stitch you can knit it into the fabric to hide it. Work to the wrapped stitch. Insert the tip of the right-hand needle into the bar and the wrapped stitch. and knit them together.The bar will be knitted in and not show on the fabric. Altematively you can leave the bar as it is.

On a purl row

A. A


1    Purl to the turning point, slip the next stitch purlwise on to the right-hand needle and then take the yarn back between the needles to the right side of the work.

2    Slip the slipped stitch back to the

To hide the bar...

Insert the tip of the right-hand needle into the back of the loop and place it on to the left-hand needle. Purl it and the wrapped stitched together.

right-hand needle and take the yam back to the knit position.Tum the work as though at the end of a row. The slipped stitch has been wrapped and it has a bar across it Purł back across the row.



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