Welted Ruffle |
Cobweb Frill |
Fringe |
Cast on 9 sts. |
Multiplr of 3 sts plus 1. |
Cast on 8 sts. |
Row 1 K»il. |
Row 1 IKS) KI tbl. * pl. pl tld. kl ibl: |
Row 1 (KS) K2. yo. k2tog. k4. |
Row 2 l’G and turn. kG. |
rep front * to cnd. |
Row 2 1*3. k2. yo. k2tog. kl. |
Row 3 PG. k3. |
Row 2 IM tbl. * kl tbl. kl. pl tbl; rep |
Kepeat thcsc 2 rows for retjuired lengtb. |
Row 4 K3. |>6. |
front * to cnd. |
ending willi a WS row. |
Row 5 KG and tum. pG. |
Rows 3 to 8 Rcpcat rows 1 and 2 thrcc |
Last row bind (cast) off 4 sts. draw yam |
Row 6 Knit. |
limes morę. |
tbrougb next st and fasten oflf. |
Rcpcat thcsc G rows. |
Row 9 K1 tbl. * drop ncxt st ofT nccdlc. pl tbl. kl tbl; rep front * to cnd. Row 10 IM tbl. * kl tbl. pl tbl: rep front * to cnd. Row 11 Kl tbl. * pl tbl. kl tbl: rep front * to cnd. Rows 12 and 13 Kepeat rows 10 and II oncc morę. Unrascl drop|x*d sts down to cast on edge. |
Slip rent 3 sts ofT nccdlc and unravel. |