35601 The Knitters Bible5

35601 The Knitters Bible5



Chart for caMe pa cum on sleeve showing inereases

Working with markers

Work the first inereases at each end of the row. placmg markers between the new stitches and the original stitches. Continoe in pattem. slipping the markers on every row and working the inereases into stockinette (stocking) stitch.Wait until you have sufficient new stitches next to the marker to work a compłete pattem repeat A half pattem repeat could be worked if the pattem will allow (see charting method left). When a whołe repeat has been worked. move the marker out to begin a new pattem repeat









Chart for tace pattem on front showing neck and shoulder shaping

Before working the first decreases

place a marker one pattem repeat in from the edges to be shaped.Work this pattem repeat until there are insuflkient stitches to work it correctły. Work the remaining stitches in stockinette (stocking) stitches until they. too. are decreased. Move the marker one pattem repeat in and continue to decrease over these stitches.


Knit thls cardigan to practisc shaping over a lace pattem. Draw your own chart and plot the pattem before you start any shaping.

Lace cardigan knrtted in worsted (DK) wetght merino wool on size 6 (4mnVUK8) needtes. Sce page 146 for paltem.


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