Adding fringing and cords madc from complemcntary yarns to your garmcnts and soft furnishings provides thc finishing touch. Thcy arc quick and casy to make.
Wrap the yam looseły around a p*ece
of card the requ>red length of the tassel.
Thread a loog length of yam under the
strands at the top. fold m half and
secure tightły wrth a knot. Ieaving two
long ends. Cut the wrapped strands at
the bottom and remove the cardboard.
Thread one long end on to a tapestry
needle. insert ft throogh the top of the
strands and bnng out I m (2.Scm)
below.Wrap the yam several times
around the tassel. Pass the needle
through the mtddle of the wrapped
strands to secure the long
end. then insert the
needle agam and
puli it back
through the
these ends
to sew the
tassel m place. Trim
the bottom of the
tassel neatły.
Wrap yam looseły around a ptece of cardboard the requmed length of the fringe. Cut the wrapped strands at the bottom and remove the cardboard. FokJ several lengths m half and. usmg a crochet or rug hook. puli the strands through the edge of the knrtted p*ece from front to back by catchmg the fold wrth the hook. Pass the ends through the folded loop and puli to tighten the knot Space each bunch of strands evenly along the edge. Trim the bottom of the fringe neatły to the finished length reqmred.
Work the fnnge as grven left wrth an even number of strands in each bunch. Take half the strands from one bunch and half the strands from the next and tie them together. Contmue across the fringe. makmg surę the knots are in linę. The extra knot will take up yam so make the strands longer than the desired fimshed length. Try working another row of knots bek>w. combtnmg the ongmal bunches again.
On a mułti-cokxxed garment mstead of a one colour fringe. try usmg ecjual amounts of every colour yam used in each bunch (see example. left).