This shimmering cvcning bag is knitted in lurcx and for added glitz liny bronzc bcads arc set around the cyclct hoies of the lace pattern. The bcads are threaded on to the yam before starting to knit and added in as instructed (see page 54).
Bag measures 6in (17cm) wide by 7in (18cm) long. exduding handles
Błock cacłi medallion squarc lo 8 */j?in (21.5cm). making surc ihc comcrs arc squarc. Join together willi single lcavcs mcci i ng in ihc middlc.
The numhcr of sis incrcascs hy one on cvcry KS row umil row 14 whcrc ihc exira sis arc bound (casi) ofT.
Using si/e 6 (4mm/UK8) ncedks casi on 7 sis. Row I (KS) K3. yfwd. k2log. yfwd. k2. Rows 2,4,6,8, 10 and 12 K to cml.
Row 3 K4. yfwd. k2log. yfwd, k2.
Row 5 KS. yfwd. k2log, yfwd. k2.
Row 7 K6. yfwd. k2log. yfwd. k2.
Row 9 K7. yfwd. k2(og. yfwd. k2.
Row 11 K8. yfwd. k2tog. yfwd. k2.
Row 13 K9. yfwd. k2log. yfwd. k2.
Row 14 Bind (casi) off 7 sis. k lo cml.
7 sis.
Hep these 14 rows umil border is long enougłi lo fu around Ilirów.
Sew on border. casing ii around comcrs.
You can knii morc squarcs lo make a larger Ilirów or a bedspread. For a bedspread. nieasure ihc widlh and lenglli of ilie bed or an exisiing bedspread of ihc rcquircd si/.e. Your bedspread will look besl if ii is an evcn number of squarcs wide and long. Fach squarc is 8'/2in (21.5cm). Dividc Ihc widlli and lengib by 8ł/2in (2l.5cm) and round llie resulis up or down lo an cvcn number and iben add Sin (1 Jem) for llie border.
For example. lo make a single bedspread mcasuring 83in (21 leni) x lOOin (2S4cm):
Ilu- widlh 83in (2IIcni) is dividcd by 8'/2in (2I.Scm) - 9.8 s<|uares.
Kound up lo 10.
The lenglli lOOin (2S4cm) is dividcd by 8*/2in (21.Serii) - II.8 squarcs. Kound up lo 12. A toial of 120 squarvs.
Yam Amounts
4/s (0.8) of a bali will knii I squarc.
1 bali will knii approx S2in (I32cm) of border.
For a bedspread of 120 squarcs muliiply 120 by */•> (0.8) - 96 balls. Border measures 2 x 90in (228em) ♦
2 x I07in (27lcm) - 394in (998em) divided by 52in (132em) - 7.S balls. Total number of balls rcquircd -103.S rounded up lo 104 balls.
Sport (4ply) weight lurex yam (80% viscose/20% polyester -104 yd/95m)
2 x I ?4oz/50g balls in colour gold About 500 bronze beads Fabric for handle and lining
Size 3 (3.25mm/UKIO) needles
Gauge (Tension)
29 sts and 41 rows to 4in (lOcm) measured over lace pattern on size 3 (3.25mm/UKIO) needles
Before beginning to knit. divide the beads in half and thread one half on to one bali and the rest of the bcads on to the other bali.
Using size 3 (3.25mm/UK 10) needles casi on 51 sis.
Stan lace and bcad pan.
Row I and every foli WS row P to cnd. Row 2 (RS) K2. * yfwd. ssk. k5. PB. k5. k2tog. yfwd. kl; rep from * lo last si. kl. Row 4 Kl. * yfwd. ssk. k4. PB. k3. PB. kS: rep from * lo łasi 2 sis. yfwd. ssk.
Row 6 K5. PB. * k7. PB; rep from * lo łasi S sis. k5.
Row 8 K 3. • PB. k4. k2tog. yfwd. k5. PB. k3; rep from * lo cnd.
Row 10 Kl. PB. * kS. k2iog. yfwd. kl. yfwd. ssk. kS. PB; rep from * lo łasi st. kl. Row 12 K3. • PB. kS. yfwd. ssk. k4. PB. k3: rep from * lo cnd.
Row 14 As row S.
Row 16 * K2tog. yfwd. kS. PB. k3. PB. k4: rep from * lo last 3 sts. k2(og. yfwd. kl. Kep Ibcsc 16 rows 4 limes morc. ilien rows I lo 3 again.
Bind (casi) off loosely.
Błock Ihc back and front lo 7in (18cm) wide by 8in (20.Scm) long. Join together along bonom and side edges. From the lining fabric. cui a piece 15'/■*in (39cm) wide by 9,/iin (23.5cm) long. Ncalcn tbc edges lo prcvcnl fraying. Willi KS facing. fold in half and join the side seams willi a *Ain (I.Scm) seam allowancc. Fold 5/«in (I.Scm) over at llie top to llie wrong side.
For llie handle, cul iwo picccs of fabric 3in (7.Scm) wide and I3in (33cm) long. Fold in half and press. open out and then fold cach edge inio the middlc and press. Fold in half again. along firsl fold linę. lo make a handle of four fabric thkkncsscs. Topstitch close lo cach edge.
Altach ihc handle firmly lo tlić wrong side of ihc bag lining at llie side seam and on llie fold oppositc. Push lining into bag willi wrong sides together and sew into place around lop edge.