Opened up: If the knit and purl stitches are placed on separate needles. you can hardly see any transition in casting on with kitchener rib.
Reversible patterns. also called double-face or double knitting, look good on both sides. They are good for scarves, wami blankets. and heavy cardigans. With this type of knitting. you have st(K'kinette stitch on both sides. The color paltem on the “wrong" side of the w ork Ls the reverse of the front.
IFor open casting on, undo the row of chain stitches and put the stitches onto a cable noedlo.
Casting On with Kitchener Rib
The nicesc wav of casting on for reversihle patterns is kitchener nh. The hack is the opposite of the front front the very ftrsr row.
Knot the 2 yams rogerher and cast on the requircd numher of stitches with a needle that is 1 or 2 si:es smaller (see ałso pa ges 24 and 25). Hołd the yam in your left hand.
Hołd iłu: short end picces with your riglir hand. hring the needle under the front yam for the first stitch. and puli the hack yam ro rhe front from top to hottom. Then continue as descrihed aKn e. You necd twice as many stitches for the desirod width. sińce ilu* “knit” and "purl” casting-on stitches are cuch nceded for 1 side.
In the next row. work according to the jacquard tcchniquc, altemateh knittung 1 stitch with the tiise color and purling 1 stitch with the sccond color. kecping to the color of rhe casting-on stitches.
2Alternately knit the stitches from the front needle with the first
color and purl the stitches from the back needle with the socond color.