Knit and purl are the basis of all knitting. \o matter whether it s a textured panem or an openwork pattem, a cable pattern or shaker knitting. these 2 basie stitches are al\vavs used.
Piece* knit in siockincttc stitch hnve a tląc. smooth surtace. Pićces in reeerM: stockinetto stitch have a gramy rexttire. Picces knit in u.utor stitcli havc .1 much surface.
Kir heginners tcxturcd pattem?. composed of knit and purl stitches are best. The ion possibil ilies are almost inlmitc. If the knit and purl stitches are armnged verticallv—i.e.. in rib pattem*—the knit stitches nrc morę prominent. In horirontal stripe*. purl stitches torm a clearły marked crosswise rib.
Sonie examples of sitnple knit-purl patrerns are shown on page ^0.
Kun exvry nm on the figlu side of the u wic. purl iTcn: row «;n the wrtmg sule.
Carter stitch:
Kun etery rotę, K>t/i on tłu* right sidc and on the wnmg stie of the Work.
stockinette: Pu W etery mu on the right suk of the work, but etery row on the wtong side.