Temporary and PreUminary NMs: These are shown by (T) or (P) afier ihe ANM number and a reference to the year of publicalion, see Ihc explanatory notes al Che beglnning of Section l oF the Weekly cdition. Temporary Notices may be issued to wam of temporary changes in aids to navigation or to warn you of hazards of a temporary naturę e.g. a naval exercise, exploratory drilling, drcdging, etc..
Preliminary Notices may corUain the latest information about new permanenl changes e.g. harbour works, or a bridge under conslruclion. These may providc you with
1) advanccd noticc of changes about lo take place,
2) an outlinc of changes found in an examination of a new survey or a foreign chart which will later be promulgaled by błock correclion or tirgent New Hdilion.
Thcsc notices are placed at the end of this section and prinled only on oric side of the page so (hal you can cni (hem out and pasto them in your notebook for ready reference.
The information conlained in Ts and Ps is important navigational information which should be inserted onto yourcharts in pcncil and the number of the ANM inserted against the affected chart number in your records. A monthly list is published which contains all Ts and Ps in force (see Section 1A).
Since the publication of Weekly Edilion 9 daied 6th March 1993, il has becn the praciice to edit the texls of New Zealand NMs and publish them as British Admiralty NMs. However, for those who rcąuire to know the fuli details for all New Zealand chart corrccting (ie. notT+P) NMs, there is an unabridged version of these produced in this Section 11A.
At the end of Section II you will find Cautionary Notes, Blocks, Depth Tables and Diagrams associated with the corrections listed in Section HA.
Sec the notę at the start of section 3 of the Weekly Edition. Morę details regarding this information can be found in the Annual Notices number 13 and the Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volumc 3.
These warnings are ro-prints of those issued and promulgated through the Worldwide Navigational Warning Scrvice in the week preceding the in-force datę al the top of the page.
Thcsc publications help give morę information about the arca covcrcd by the chart you are using so it is important to record any changes to the text and have them on band Lo refer lo when needed. If a Supplement for any SD has been published you should correct the Supplcmcnt using (his informaLion. It is prinled on one side of the page so that you can cut it out and stick it in the appropriatc place. At the end ofeacli calendar month a list is published of all Corrections to Admiralty Sailing Directions which are in force.