peaceful repose they are to look for liuppiness and strcngth during the toils of thc following day. They shotild first recollect that their natural food is frcsh air ; and ncxt, that the channels prepared for the supply of that I<kk1 are thc nostrils, which are supplied with the means of purifying the food for the lungs, as the mouth is constructed to select and masticate the food for the stornach. The lungs should bc put to rcst as a fond mothcr lulls her infant to sleep ; they should be supplied with vital air, and protcctcd in the natural use of it; and for such care, each successivc day would rcpay in increased pleasures and enjoy-ments. . .
" 11 is the suppression of saliva, with dryness of the mouth, an unnatural current of cold air across the teeth and gums during the hoitrs of slccp, tliat produces malformation of the teeth, toothache, and tic-douloureux, with premature decay and loss of teeth, so lamentably prevalcnt in the civilised worki. . . ”
" It is, most undoubtedly, the above-named habit which produces confirmed snorcrs, and also consumption of the lungs and many other diseases, as woli as premature decay of thc teeth, nightmarc. etc.; front which, it has been shown, the savage races are cliiefly exempt ; and (I firmly belieee) from the fact that they always sleep with their mouths closed, and their teeth together. as I have bcfore described. . .
'' Open mouths during the niglit are surę to produee open mouths during thc day ; the teetl: protrude if the habit be commenced in infancy so that the mouth can’t be shut, the natural expression is lo«t, the voice is affectcd, polypus takes possession of the nosc, the teeth decay, taintcd breath ensues. and the lungs are destroyed. The whole features of the face are changed, the under jaw, unhingcd, falls and retires, the cheeks are hollowcd, and the cheek-boncs and