they hołd their breath. By degrces they become firm be-lievcrs in the false theory Uiat this is the right mcthod of dcep-breathing, and that the highly inllated upper chest and deeply drawn abdomen (See Fig. i) are the very symbols o( imposing, superhuman strength.
Should the Breath ever be held after a Deep Inhalation ?
Books on “ Deep-Breathing ” and “ Breathing for Health” there are in which every single exercise is breath-holding, corabined with some movements of the limbs. There may be cases where the holding of the breath for a minutę or morę might be a useful excrcise calculated to increase the control of lungs and heart. Sctting aside certain occa-sions of urgency (e.g., when diving and rescuing drowning persons), this should never be combined with fcats of excrtion, and can only be recommended to healthy and well-trained adults whose vital organs are sound. To those who are suffering front consumption, asthma, and heart diseases the practice is dangerous. And even overtrained athletes or muscle-bound weight-lifters who imagine themselves to be so strong and healthy should, above all things, avoid holding the breath. It is this habit, combined with over-intlation of the lungs. which is responsible for emphysema or heart disease ; hence the reason why I do not advocate any breath-holding exercisc. It must also be remembered that it is not only the action of the lungs and heart which is disturbed by holding the breath. What stimulates the stornach, livcr, bowels and intestincs is just the intcrnal massage produccd by the movements of the lower ribs and the chaphragm, when fuli, deep, correct breathing is per-formed. The lack of such stimulus will soon cause stornach troubles and digestive disorders.