mbs 040

mbs 040


expansiou alone gives tlić best result, others, Jikt* the French lieuteuant, Georges Hebert, assert tliat this is attaincd only by the diaphragmatic movements. In order to prove thcir theories, these authors point out tliat the lowcr lobes of the lungs are larger than the upper lobes. Again, there are others who try to comdnce us that the antero-posterioral expansions are of greater value than the lateral. And, finally, thcrc arc some who claim just the same for the vertical cxpansion of the collar-bone region, even going so far as to declare that the thorough practicc of this move-ment would result in the completc prevention of the tuber-culosis plague.

The wholc argument is not of much value. bccause the fact rcmains that absolutely nonę of the various expansions can be dispensed with if complcte respiration is to be performed. On the other hand, it may be of some interest to institute a eomparison. I would, therefore, point out that vertical expansion will, in a well-developed małe, extcnd to about 2 inchcs upwards and another 2 inches downwards, four in all' and horizontal lateral cxpansion would be about the same, namely, 2 inchcs to each side, whilst antero-posterioral cxpansion will verv seldom amount to morę than ii inches in all. The baekward movement of the spine will ąlways be smali. ncvcr morę than i incli.

Is it ever Reasonable to Perform an Incomplete Breath ?

11 seems ąuite obvious that for the hcalthy-working human being, especially for athletes, sportsmen and singers, the only sensible thing would be to employ the whole capacity of the lungs wlien breathing. Ncvertheless, it is a fact, although incomprchensible, that so many authors of book-lets on breathing and singing adyocate the use of one single part only, or of a few parts, of the respiratory mcchanism,



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