mbs 011

mbs 011


and violent palpitatiops. Sncli an overstrained licart could never last long.

Deep-Breathing must be Taught.

We cannot teach animals to breathc deeply but we can tcach thc child to do so, little by little, and evcn the adult hmnan being. Tlien by degrees it will become natural to the person to take fulier respirations. Sncli education in brcathing means increascd strength and vitalitv of sil parts of thc body. internat and cxternal, and, conscąuently a fulier and better and longer lile, which is the aim of all so-callcd deep-breathing excrcises. In my lirst book, “ Mv System, 15 Minutes’ Work a Daj’ for Health’s Sake,” I conclude the chaptcr “ For tliose deroted to Athletic Sportu " with the foliowing remarks

" Many sportsmen also upsct their hearts becausc thcy take no carc to breathe properly. At thc Olympic Games of igob, it appeared that ncarly all the participants, cxccpting the Americans, suffered front dilatation or other defects of the heart. Those who carry out My System according to directions will acquire the good habit of inhaling and exhal-icg deeply, during thc cxercises, as well as immcdiately after thcm. The reason why I have been able to take part, for a wholc gcncration, in many and various hard and often protracted contcsts, without inflicting the slightest injury upon my heart. is because I havc always from childhood paid strict attention to correct respiration.”

During reccnt years scverely adverse criticisms of the manner in which the Olympic Games are now being con-ducted havc frequently appeared in newspapers in all parts of the worki. One of the mest scrious objections is that the aim of them is to produce specialists who, being splendidly developed in one direction or in some particular part of the



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