Fuli breathing during twisting and leaning to alternate sides and subseąuent raising of the trunk, combined with arm-raising and lowering sideways.
Position as in Fig. 34, whicłi is just the same as Fig. 23 of Exercise No. 3.
This exercise itsclf is also started precisely in the same manner as No. 3 : first pcrfonn the preliminary exhalation, then, while inhaling fully, assume the position of Fig. 35 (or 24). But now, instead of turning back again to the front, you should slowly lean the trunk, facing to the left, over the left leg, at the same time lowering the arms and exhaling decply (sec Fig. 36). The leaning of the trunk should be performed with the straight or hollowed back. It is a mistake to curvc or bend the back far downwards.
Then lift the arms again, and raise the trunk to the position shown in Fig. 35, and twist it, without any pausc, the whole way round to the position shown in Fig. 37 (or25). Now lean the trunk, facing to the right, slowly over the right leg, simultaneously lowering the arms (see Fig. 38). Inhalc while rising and twisting half way round, and exhalc while completing the twisting and while leaning to the right side. Then again raise the trunk simultaneously lifting the arms (Fig. 37), and, without any pause, twist round to the left (Fig. 35), and for the second time, lean the body, fronting to the left over the left leg while lowering the arms (Fig. 36), as before inhaling during the first half and exhaling during the other half of the combined movement. And so on, performing in all four double movemcnts and four fuli respirations.
(This exercise is the same as the first degree of F.xercise No. 7 of “ My System.”)
Repeat here the Special Reliening Deep-Breathing l: xercise.