30304 mbs 094

30304 mbs 094



Fuli breathing during backward and forward leaning of the trunk combined with tapping successively on upper chest and loins.

Whilst E.\ercise No. i was a backward and forward bend-ing of the body to the limits of its ticxibility, tliis leaning backwards and forwards of the trunk is a shortcr movement, performed with a straight or hollowed back. and without moving tlie head independently of the body. Position of the feet as in Exerciscs Nos. i and 4.

Exhale. Lean slowly backwards, at the same time inlialing fully and tapping ąuiekly the whole tipper part of the chest with the clenched fists (see Fig. 29).

This tapping will cause the inhaled air to penctrate into ccrtain vesicles of the lungs where perhaps it would not otherwisc reach. Now lean slowly forwards without draw-ing in the abdomen or curving the back, at the same time exhaling decply and tapping strongly the whole lower part of the back and loins (sce Fig. 30). This tapping will tonę up the kidneys and prevent lumbago. Then once morę lean backwards and forwards, tapping the chest whilst inhaling and the back whilst exhaJing, and so on, performing in all four double movemcnts and four complete respirations.

(Tliis exercise forms a fair preiiminary movement to the Rubbing Exercise No. 18 of “ My System.”)

Repeat here the Special Relieuing Deep-Brealhing Kxercise.


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