60698 mbs 083

60698 mbs 083


compensation as possible should be afforded him by teaching him to breathe propcrly wheh in tlie open air.

I ara an cnthusiastic supporter of all athlctics, particularly those connccted with running, including football and the like. The cross-country run is a particular favourite of minę, and cspecially healthful, but only when it is carried out under proper conditions. I know many Public School men who datc heart troubles which afflict them from the days when they strove and did not sparc themselves for the honour of their school or school-house, in cross-country runs or football matches. With only the “ do or die ’’ spirit to help them, they have gone forth, often after a hearty meal, and with not the slightest notion of how to breathe.

In all my cxperience I have rarely heard or seen any mention of a schoolmaster preparing his boys for a long country run by teaching them to breathe correctly. Luckily for the nation, the average British schoolboy, with his inherent love of sport, is a tougli and healthy youngster. But the most robust heart cannot withstand the strain of a long run over rough country if it has to struggle all the while to keep pace with over-rapid pulsations of the lungs.

And last, but not least, thcrc are all the singers and the speakers for whom it is of the utmost importance to develop the control of their lungs, and the strength and sustaining powers of their abdominal muscles.

Why is it not Good always to Maintain the same Position during Deep-Breathing ?

Because it would be tiring for the body and tedious for the mind. And, furthermore, there is the risk that not every part of the lungs will be employed to itsown benefit, because the yarious lobes of the lungs act differently according to the varied positions of the trunk. Fuli respirations ought,


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