Fuli breathing during arm-raising sideways and subsecjuent lowering, combined with slow deep knee-bending, feet together and with heel-raising.
Stand comfortably, as shown in Fig. 39.
Rise on thc toes and raise thc arms sideways to a hori-zontal position. at tlie same timc taking a fuli inhalation. The head should hc leancd slightly baekwards, the fingers •well stretched out, and thc arms and shoulders forced some-what back (see Fig. 40), which will improvc the carriage of the whole body.
Then follows a deep exhalation, during which you should lower your body to a squatting position, but still kcep the hccls raised from the floor. The arms and the chin are. at the same time, again lowered, and the hands should now be strongly clenchcd, tluis figuratively suggesting that now all the air is to be e\pellcd from the lungs (see Fig. 41). This forms, at the same time, a good exercise for strengthen-ing the fingers.
Now comes the second fuli inhalation, during which the body and artns are slowly raised until the position of Fig. 40 is again assumed. And, tinally, during another deep exhalation, return slowly into the position of Fig. 39, the chin, arms, and heels being lowered simultaneously. Then repeat, but, of eoursc, without the preliminary e\halation, the whole combined movement described above.
You will thus havc performed, in all, two deep knee-bendings and four fuli respirations.
Repeat here the Special Rdiering Drsp-Rreathing Exercise.